10 Days Out From a 70.3....A Race.....Riddle Me Your Perfect Taper

How much do you swim/bike/run all the way to race day? I’m curious to hear what people do.

Depends on how fatigued you are to start off the taper.


Feeling good.

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Here’s how I’d approach a 10 day taper: If not too fatigued but coming off some solid training, I’d take 3-4 light days (phase 1) to unload whatever fatigue you have. By the end of this phase you want to see your #s (power, pace vs. heart rate) to be around season bests. If it turns out you need more than 3-4 days, then take more rest. The last 3-4 days (phase 3) should be short workouts with some very short intervals (long rest) to keep the body ready to go. In between (phase 2), you want to cut volume from your normal training, but leave in some solid interval work (intervals a bit shorter than usual with maybe a bit of extra rest).

If you use the performance manager, it will often look like TSB going to zero or even positive in phase 1, hanging out around zero for phase 2, then going positive again in phase 3.

last run 7 days out*

last ride 5 days out*

last swim 3 days out*

two days before race = day off, feet up

  • = day before race, short combined effort (up to OLY exertion levels in each discipline, 3x1min w/2min recovery intervals)–early in the day, no more than 45 min total wkout

that’s kept me out of BOP so far, anyway.

pound chocolate milk and sleep in my normatec boots

'cause that’s what the pros do.