A practice that specializes in the treatment of Morton’s neuroma: The Center for Morton’s Neuroma

A practice that specializes in the treatment of Morton’s neuroma

The Center for Morton’s Neuroma

There are many approaches to treating Morton’s neuroma, but until now it has been difficult to find all these treatments in one location. The Center for Morton’s Neuroma, based in Framingham, Massachusetts, offers full treatment options for Morton’s neuroma, from insoles and injections to ultrasound guided neuroablation procedures to surgery. If you or someone you care about suffers from pain in your forefoot, especially with walking or wearing shoes, it may be Morton’s neuroma. The Center for Morton’s Neuroma may help you. See www.mortonsneuroma.com for more information.

My Story:
When I went on a ski trip with my family about eight years ago, I ended up in the ski shop because my foot hurt too much to ski. I thought that my boot was too tight and that was causing the burning pain and tingling in my foot. Luckily, my wife is a Pain Medicine physician and she diagnosed a Morton’s neuroma. For every subsequent ski trip, she gave me a steroid injection into my Morton’s neuroma several days before the trip, which helped.

I wanted a more long lasting and permanent solution. So, I tried more invasive treatments. Initially, I had the neuroma frozen (cryoablation therapy, which improved my pain substantially. Finally, I just wanted to be rid of it, so I had a sclerosing agent injected into the neuroma under ultrasound guidance. After a few weeks, this procedure was repeated and since that time I have had no further foot pain. I now get to ski with my family without any pain.

During my struggle with Morton’s neuroma, I did a lot of research into the condition. I could not identify a single place which offers a wide range of specialized non-surgical treatments for Morton’s neuroma where a patient like me, suffering from Morton’s neuroma, could go to receive the optimal treatment for them.

I urged my wife open the Center for Morton’s Neuroma so that people who suffer from Morton’s neuroma will be able to have a wide range of non-surgical treatment options available in one facility, performed by a board certified specialist and done under ultrasound guidance. (We believe ultrasound guidance dramatically improves the success rate of the procedures and decreases the likelihood of complications.)

The Center for Morton’s Neuroma
See www.mortonsneuroma.com

A practice that specializes in the treatment of Morton’s neuroma

The Center for Morton’s Neuroma

There are many approaches to treating Morton’s neuroma, but until now it has been difficult to find all these treatments in one location. The Center for Morton’s Neuroma, based in Framingham, Massachusetts, offers full treatment options for Morton’s neuroma, from insoles and injections to ultrasound guided neuroablation procedures to surgery. If you or someone you care about suffers from pain in your forefoot, especially with walking or wearing shoes, it may be Morton’s neuroma. The Center for Morton’s Neuroma may help you. See http://www.mortonsneuroma.com for more information.

My Story:
When I went on a ski trip with my family about eight years ago, I ended up in the ski shop because my foot hurt too much to ski. I thought that my boot was too tight and that was causing the burning pain and tingling in my foot. Luckily, my wife is a Pain Medicine physician and she diagnosed a Morton’s neuroma. For every subsequent ski trip, she gave me a steroid injection into my Morton’s neuroma several days before the trip, which helped.

I wanted a more long lasting and permanent solution. So, I tried more invasive treatments. Initially, I had the neuroma frozen (cryoablation therapy, which improved my pain substantially. Finally, I just wanted to be rid of it, so I had a sclerosing agent injected into the neuroma under ultrasound guidance. After a few weeks, this procedure was repeated and since that time I have had no further foot pain. I now get to ski with my family without any pain.

During my struggle with Morton’s neuroma, I did a lot of research into the condition. I could not identify a single place which offers a wide range of specialized non-surgical treatments for Morton’s neuroma where a patient like me, suffering from Morton’s neuroma, could go to receive the optimal treatment for them.

I urged my wife open the Center for Morton’s Neuroma so that people who suffer from Morton’s neuroma will be able to have a wide range of non-surgical treatment options available in one facility, performed by a board certified specialist and done under ultrasound guidance. (We believe ultrasound guidance dramatically improves the success rate of the procedures and decreases the likelihood of complications.)

The Center for Morton’s Neuroma

I thought at first this was a April fools day joke. A center for Morton’s neuroma treatment? That is really a very narrow focus of practice. I wish her all the success in the world but there are not that many Morton’s neuromas out there that don’t respond to the basic treatment plans. I don’t live in Massachusetts but the Podiatrists and most foot and ankle orthopedists I know have already incorporated these non surgical treatments into their practice. I assume your wife will continue her general pain management practice as well. True neuromas are not as common as people think and this condition if often confused with capsulitis, bursitis, plantar plate injuries, neuropathy, etc. Good luck to her on her endeavor.

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You’re right, it is a very narrow focus.

But for those who suffer with Morton’s neuroma (like I did) and would do anything to avoid surgery, you have very few what I think are, decent options. So I urged and prompted my wife to open this center (and yes she still has her practice.)


Can they or anyone recommend ANYONE that does radiofrequency ablation in the MIDWEST? I live in Chicago and although I’m medical professional cannot find ANYONE-they all want to do surgery and I refuse…there MUST be someone in Ill, IN, MI or WI that does this, no??? I am desperate-steroids no longer work, orthotics and pads were a joke…

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Unfortunately, we do not know of any other place that offers ultrasound guided radio frequency ablation as well as the range of other related procedures and services that we offer.
Good luck,