Can't get heart rate up

I have a weird problem the last couple of months Iam unable to get my heartrate up to levels I used to my legs and lungs give out at a very low heartrate. This is on both the computer bike at gym and elliptical machine. I can barely get my heart rate above 150bpm I used to be Able to get up to mid 160,s a few months back.

Background on myself Iam 28 years old and have been doing more consistent training the last year or so, I had a knee op 18 months ago which still gives me pain everyday and limits my running. Anyway I do 2 bike session at gym and 2 elliptical sessions at m a week all sessions are one hour long and I basically go as hard as I can for an hour with the goal to produce as many watts as possible for both machines. I also do a circuit weights session once per week targeting all body parts. I do 4 10 min runs a week at about 10km/h due to bad knee. Iam about to start swim training twice a week tommorow with the hope of doing my second ever sprint tri in may pending being able to run 5k with my knee.

Anyway I don’t know why but my average heart rate for a full hour max session on the bike or elliptical is around 140-144bpm that is maxing out my legs and lungs are fried. I don’t think I can actually get my heartrate above 160bpm ATM. According to the computer gym bike my best average watts over an hour is 269.

Is something wrong with my heart?


Would get yourself checked out. Most likely nothing to worry about and you’re either just a bit tired at the moment or your improved fitness means it’s harder to get your HR up, but given the potential consequences of any heart problems it’s always worth getting an expert to take a look.

Probably getting overtrained/tired. Take a break for about 4 days and eat some simple sugars before your next workout and see what happens.

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Do not use HR *exclusively *to gauge fitness. As your heart gets stronger it becomes more efficient and subsequently pumps at a lower rate for the same comparable work load - this is good! Use objective POWER measurements to monitor fitness level, and compare the relative HRs for more accuracy in your progress.

See Total Heart Rate Training, by Joe Friel.

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In my first LT test back in Dec. I held 168bpm. As I got more fit it continued to drop. This last test it was 163 average, yet my power was almost 10% higher. Running has been similar… and its’ something to be careful of. You can be fooled into thinking your getting a lot faster running, when in reality, your heart is getting more efficient. The real risk, is that in a high impact activity like running, you tendons and muscles are a lot slower to adapt than your cardio fitness, especially when your training 3 sports simultaneously.

Probably getting overtrained/tired. Take a break for about 4 days and eat some simple sugars before your next workout and see what happens.

This. But if you’re really concerned or have other symptoms (light headedness etc) you should see a doctor.

This is probably nothing but is worth checking out with a cardio, especially if you give yourself a rest and it doesn’t change. It was something in my case - similar symptoms except the change in heart rate at max effort was more dramatic and more sudden (basically I was gassed at 120 bpm on the trainer vs. normal ~150). However, I got everything addressed and have completed 9 tris in the 2 years since, all faster than before. Was 38 at the time, so while not as young as you, still very young to have these sorts of issues, so it can happen to younger, relatively in shape folks.

The other explanation I might have is to ask whether something has changed at your gym. I can’t get the HR and power up as high on the trainer (where I don’t have good cooling airflow) as I can when riding outdoors. I think my brain is sending the “settle down, dummy, or you’ll overheat” messages to the heart and muscles. So if equipment position or fan position has changed, that may explain some of what you’re seeing. Since it’s warming up (in most parts of N. America at least), try and ride outside and see what you can hold.

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Thanks guys for the responses I have done some more research and it seems this is more common than I though. After googling it seems quite a few ironman athletes have had this and the thoughts are its due to overtraining lack of resting and nutrition. I will have some time off soon and see what happens. Thanks again