Chastain Park Sprint

Has anyone here done the chastain park sprint in Atlanta? Looking for thoughts on the event and the hilly bike course in particular if you’ve done it.


The Tripathlon was my first triathlon two years ago. There were quite a few people who were very poor swimmers who seeded themselves towards the front. Yes, the bike course has some hills! The run course is pretty flat. Overall, I enjoyed it with many other first timers.

Has anyone here done the chastain park sprint in Atlanta? Looking for thoughts on the event and the hilly bike course in particular if you’ve done it.


Swim will be slow unless you’re the first 10 swimmers. It’s a fuster cluck after that. Just smile and wait to ride. I passed two swimmers in the first 25 yds 2 years ago. I seeded correctly btw

The ride is SUPER hilly. They’re not long grinding hills but punchy enough to zap your legs if you’re not careful. Easy to have a VI > 1.3 or so if you use power

Run is the same way and after biking too hard the run can be miserable. Take it from me :smiley: