My last two races (sprint and 70.3) have had cramping issues during the run. I am wearing calf sleeves (don’t know if they help) during and eating clif chews with salt during the bike.
Am I just not getting enough salt? Is there something I need to work on in training to avoid this? It is seriously starting to annoy me.
Cramps are manly do to being undertrained. The correlation to salt intake is unclear. In my experience, after years of messing with more salt intake and getting cramps anyway, there is no correlation. The more fit I am, the less I get cramps. The more fit I am, the less I have consumed during races.
the reality is that you probably aren’t training enough at the pace your racing (specify) and you’re exceeding the neuromuscular fitness available. Cramps quite simply are just another type of muscle fatigue, but it’s a little different than muscle soreness or lactic acid build-up.
this happens to me when I don’t run enough during training. period.
Cramps are manly do to being undertrained. The correlation to salt intake is unclear. In my experience, after years of messing with more salt intake and getting cramps anyway, there is no correlation. The more fit I am, the less I get cramps. The more fit I am, the less I have consumed during races.
the reality is that you probably aren’t training enough at the pace your racing (specify) and you’re exceeding the neuromuscular fitness available. Cramps quite simply are just another type of muscle fatigue, but it’s a little different than muscle soreness or lactic acid build-up.
Quoted for truth
Training aside try supplementing with magnesium
Not just training as the others have said but intensity as well. The bike intensity is probably harder than what you are capable of during the race and it is throwing off your run.
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I agree with the other posters, I used to think throwing a bunch of salt at the problem was the answer, but now realize you are just exceeding your training. Back off the pace especially on the bike and I bet you will run w/o cramps.
Not just training as the others have said but intensity as well. The bike intensity is probably harder than what you are capable of during the race and it is throwing off your run.
Quoted for truth.
I had the same issue on my last 70.3. Overtrained for the run and undertrained on the bike. Crushed it actually but paid the price. My pulse was 134 but if tried to run any faster than 8:30 my legs began to cramp (inner thigh). I was planning for a 1:45 run, ended up 1:52.