Brendan Eich, inventor of Javascript and co-founder of Mozilla, was forced out of his new CEO job because he donated $1000 to Prop 8 in California in 2008.
We’re not talking about it?
Brendan Eich, inventor of Javascript and co-founder of Mozilla, was forced out of his new CEO job because he donated $1000 to Prop 8 in California in 2008.
We’re not talking about it?
I’m sure the same would have happened if he donated to the No on Prop 8 side. Right?
Should we be talking about it?
Prop 8 Cliffs notes for those of us not in/around Cali circa 2008, por favor?
Prop 8 was a referendum to amend California’s constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman. It passed, and was later ruled unconstitutional.
I thought this article had some good quotes:
I heard about this this morning, but have been pretty busy to research thoroughly enough to post. Yes, that is fucked. But that is silicon valley, California, and that is what happens when you question anything the gay mafia wants you to support. I don’t agree with prop 8. I don’t care about gay marriage. I don’t like how courts have shot them down either. And I certainly don’t care if a CEO supported it. These are bad times for people who value speech and freedom.
I heard about this this morning, but have been pretty busy to research thoroughly enough to post. Yes, that is fucked. But that is silicon valley, California, and that is what happens when you question anything the gay mafia wants you to support. I don’t agree with prop 8. I don’t care about gay marriage. I don’t like how courts have shot them down either. And I certainly don’t care if a CEO supported it. These are bad times for people who value speech and freedom.
He’s free in every way. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with being pressured to quit a position due to the things you say/do.
I read about it yesterday, it seems like a perfect example of free speech and the free market here.
Freedom of speech has nothing to do with being pressured to quit a position due to the things you say/do.
Do you really believe that? Do you think that as long as the government is not the entity applying the pressure, there is no impact on freedom of speech?
Freedom of speech has nothing to do with being pressured to quit a position due to the things you say/do.
Do you really believe that? Do you think that as long as the government is not the entity applying the pressure, there is no impact on freedom of speech?
Yes. Freedom of speech simply means that you won’t be incarcerated or worse for stating your beliefs. It does not mean that other people waive their right to freedom of speech in response to what you say.
Freedom of speech has nothing to do with being pressured to quit a position due to the things you say/do.
Do you really believe that? Do you think that as long as the government is not the entity applying the pressure, there is no impact on freedom of speech?
I was referring to this case. In this case it was employees, not the government.
I was referring to this case. In this case it was employees, not the government.
I understand that. I’m asking if you really think that the government is the only thing that can kill free speech, and that as long as the government isn’t taking some sort of legal action, there’s no threat to freedom.
Brendan Eich, inventor of Javascript and co-founder of Mozilla, was forced out of his new CEO job because he donated $1000 to Prop 8 in California in 2008.
We’re not talking about it?
It turns out that gays weren’t really against the bullying treatment per se. They just wanted to be the bullies.
Brendan Eich, inventor of Javascript and co-founder of Mozilla, was forced out of his new CEO job because he donated $1000 to Prop 8 in California in 2008.
We’re not talking about it?
It turns out that gays weren’t really against the bullying treatment per se. They just wanted to be the bullies.
This has nothing to do with gays being bullies. Mozilla is not your typical profit-driven company.
I’m asking if you really think that the government is the only thing that can kill free speech, and that as long as the government isn’t taking some sort of legal action, there’s no threat to freedom.
Yes. Free speech is, by definition, a political/legal right.
Andrew Sullivan, a gay writer and proponent of same-sex marriage rights, wrote :
“The whole episode disgusts me – as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society. If this is the gay rights movement today – hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else – then count me out.”
As to the implications of the ouster, I think it’s nil. People will recognize it for what it is–extremism–but also that it’s the action taken within one private and unique enterprise, and not representative of some inevitable nationwide social shift. It’s newsworthy precisely for that reason.
And, from what I know of him, I’m certain he’ll land softly and have no trouble whatsoever finding comparable work and compensation.
This has nothing to do with gays being bullies. Mozilla is not your typical profit-driven company.
Can you elaborate a bit? I don’t understand what you are telling me here.
I’m asking if you really think that the government is the only thing that can kill free speech, and that as long as the government isn’t taking some sort of legal action, there’s no threat to freedom.
Yes. Free speech is, by definition, a political/legal right.
What you said.
This has nothing to do with gays being bullies. Mozilla is not your typical profit-driven company.
Can you elaborate a bit? I don’t understand what you are telling me here.