Extra Pressure on Kiwis at ITU Auckland


Gotta finish in the Top 8 overall to make it Common Wealth Games…

It’ll probably come down to discretion for the guys, but it’s probably going to be Ryan and Tony (Dodds), and then open for the third spot.

Women seems pretty clear, Andrea is qualified, and then probably Nicky and Kate will fill up the quota (discretion or direct qualification for one of them?).


Tom Davison could make things interesting. He’s been crushing bike splits lately. He’s unproven at the WTS level, but with a difficult bike course like Auckland’s, I’m sure he will try to play the breakaway card.

Triathlon Australia have said that Auckland is an important selection event for them, as well. There is no “top-8 and you’re in” type scenario for them, but I believe this is the last opportunity to impress selectors.

Speaking of Auckland… GO JOE MALOY!!!


Yeah, was thinking Tom could be the third guy, he’s been on form so far this season.

And that is why Tri Oz has had so many selection problems in the past. Qualifying standards seem to be a moving target.

Lead sport story on TV1 here in Auckland…