Fantasy Triathlon - ITU - who's in?

Pick the top 3 placegetters in the men’s and women’s races in the WTS series. Lets see who does the best here on slowtwitch…


Jorgensen, Stimpson, Sweetland

Brownlee, Gomez, Pereira


That sounds more boring than fantasy golf…or NASCAR


That sounds more boring than fantasy golf…or NASCAR

still less boring than watching an ironman :wink:


That sounds more boring than fantasy golf…or NASCAR

still less boring than watching an ironman :wink:

Not true.

I can nap.


if you are napping you are not watching?

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Im in!!!

Gotta disagree with you there. Almost always there are the lead pack and a chase group of cyclists. It’s bonkers when someone in the chase group attacks and catches up with the lead group or pays the price and blows up along the way. Once in a while an über runner comes from behind in the chase pack and hunts down the lead group like Gwen Jorgensen did in San Diego. I don’t find that watching bikers riding 7m apart makes an IM any more interesting to watch. That said, I have a lot of spare time and watch both races. : )

The ITU live and recap coverage is also unparalleled.

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That sounds more boring than fantasy golf…or NASCAR

Ditto. I gotta say, watching ITU triathlon is right up there with watching paint dry. It just isn’t the same without the age groupers. Especially in a flat race where everyone is just drafting and things aren’t decided until the last couple miles of the run. Just like the Daytona 500. They could boil it down to the Daytona 5 and just run the last 5 laps and call it good.

You must have missed Kitzbuhel and Stockholm then.

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That sounds more boring than fantasy golf…or NASCAR

Ditto. I gotta say, watching ITU triathlon is right up there with watching paint dry. It just isn’t the same without the age groupers. Especially in a flat race where everyone is just drafting and things aren’t decided until the last couple miles of the run. Just like the Daytona 500. They could boil it down to the Daytona 5 and just run the last 5 laps and call it good.
Well you are in luck! Auckland bike course is very hilly.

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I have to agree with the pro ITU folks…this is great racing, either full gas on, or, strategic in nature. ITU and IM are really very different.

Elite Women:

  1. Gwen Jorgensen
  2. Anne Haug
  3. Katie Hursey

Elite Men:

  1. Jonny Brownlee
  2. Javier Gomez
  3. Mario Mola

I think Gwen has continued to improve her swim and bike leg and will not be playing catchup, and I’m hoping Anne (and also Helen Jenkins) will have a great season. I don’t know much about Katie Hursey but she’s had an amazing last couple of races.

If Mario is with Jonny and Javier off the bike, things will get interesting!

I’m in…but this is hard - especially the women’s side! Gotta mull it over. Thanks for sharing the link.

My 8 year old matches my instincts to go Helen Jenkins on the comeback trail. I’m reluctant not to include an Aussie, but we chose:

  1. Gwen Jorgensen
  2. Jodie Stimpson
  3. Helen Jenkins

For the men I’m inclined to think Mola will win it, but we settled on:

  1. Javier Gomez
  2. Johnny Brownlee
  3. Mario Mola

Surprised to see Ivan Rana - keeping his speed, or keeping a foot in the Rio '16 sweeps?


will be interesting to see if Jorgensen can hang in on the bike as last year she got dropped like a rock on this course if I remember correctly (but she got second the year before).


Hard to look past Jonny or Gomez for the men. Gather that Jorgensen has been working hard on the bike, so that will be interesting to see. Soft spot for Helen Jenkins, I’d have a cheeky fiver on her standing on the podium this weekend.

Love the BBC, live coverage of both races on telly over here.

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Hard to look past Jonny or Gomez or Mario Mola for the men. Gather that Jorgensen has been working hard on the bike, so that will be interesting to see. Soft spot for Helen Jenkins, I’d have a cheeky fiver on her standing on the podium this weekend.

Love the BBC, live coverage of both races on telly over here.

Fixed it for you.

She did, but if I’m remembering correctly I think part of her problem was the temp. She struggled in some of the colder races, especially the ones that weren’t wetsuit legal but were right on the edge. I think Aukland was like that last year.