FS: Kestrel 4000 Pro SL (price drop $1,800)

Got this bike for my wife about 1.5 years ago. She prefers her road bike and rarely rides this. Has only done about 3-5 races. Everything is stock. size 55cm.
Looking to get $1,800 and we can talk about shipping. Located in the Central Florida area and would love a local transaction :slight_smile:

Current pics added. Also showing the small nick in the paint. (please excuse my redneck bike stand)

From the Kestrel site






Bump. Looking for offers…

Great bike… only reason I am selling is the geometry doesn’t fit my wife well. Willing to negotiate.

PM’d you. BTW, I live in Florida and I think your bike stand is classy.

bump. decent amount of interest but still available.

bump for price drop!
I am going to start parting it out soon, so this is your last chance to get the full bike.