FS -Polar HR strap (BNIB), Zipp Vuka armpad extensions (BNIB), Vision carbon r-bends,

Everything is open to offers - but shipping from Canada. Want to clear some room - so need to get rid of these items. Everything is in great-excellent condition. PM me if you need/want pics.

All prices DO NOT include shipping AND are prices to me (after all fees). But might give ballpark.

2 Arione Tri2 saddles for sale (black/silver). Regular Cervelo saddles. - RED/BLACK SOLD - thanks IRISHROB60
Thinking $45/each if both are bought - or $50 for a single saddle - Both BLACK/SILVER SOLD - thanks jdd610

2 Zipp carbon cages - still in great condition (saw some go for $35/each on here last month) - SOLD - thanks so much Andy515

2 Arundel Mandible carbon cages - excellent condition - **SOLD - thanks SOYA **

3T 100mm ARX (Pro - Black/White) stem +/-6 - **SOLD - thanks SOYA **

100mm SC_NICK between the bars Garmin mount (Looking to recover initial investment - $35 shipped) - SOLD - thanks so much Andy515

BNIB Polar heart rate strap ($20 shipped in regular envelope)

BNIB Zipp Vuka Armpad extensions ($20 - new from Zipp = $25)

Xlab Between the bar setup (Arundel carbon cage, Torpedo carbon platform, Xlab aero computer mount, straps) (price to buy all new - $130 using Wiggle and PBK) - asking $80 SOLD…thanks so much DVSHO

Garmin 500 (Neutral) - just returned from Garmin - comes with mount OR Garmin 705 with NA maps included (and ShieldZone protective covering - like brand new). $160 - SOLD - thanks so much Andy515

Brand new take offs - 3T carbon ski bends (new $130 - again $80) SOLD - thanks for quick payment Durhamskier

(BNIB) Vision carbon r-bends clip ons - 26.0mm - 290mm in length ($235 new - asking $175)

(BNIB) 3T Compact Carbon Cradles/arm pads ($130 new - on sale at Wiggle for $80 - asking $70 while they are on sale). SOLD - thanks so much ake_n_bake






What you want for these?
2 Arundel Mandible carbon cages - excellent condition

3T 100mm ARX (Pro - Black/White) stem +/-6

I live in BC BTW

what are you looking for on the 3t extensions and side loader cage?

What do you want for the garmin mount?


The SC_Nick mount? I think I paid $35-40 shipped…never used it - as it is a smidge too big…would like to get back what I paid if at all possible.
But of course, open to reasonable offers…it’s pretty easy to mail in a small packet.


How much for the two zip cages shipped to 97013


how much for the vision clip on 06413

edited for correct zip code


Send me an offer (via PM) for the Zipps…thinking $30 each plus shipping (should be be $10-15)? Give or take?

Send me an offer via PM (I am thinking shipping will be a bit more because of the size of the box)…but let me know


What do you want for the garmin 500?


All PM’s responded to and items added and deleted.


Interested in the bta sideloader setup. What were you looking to get?

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PM me an offer. Looking forward to it.

how much for garmin 500 and xlab torpedo? shipped 02135


As above. Send me an offer … Thanks!


Updated sold items and some added. Asking prices to give indication. Some great deals to be had…


for some reason I can’t see your pictures. What color are the zipp carbon cages?

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Updated with sold items - thanks to SOYA, IRISHROB60 and ANDY515 for playing so far! :wink: Enjoy your gear and all the best this season!!!

I am interested in the XLab hydration system. Email me at martinusaf@hotmail.com.

interested in xlab hydration setup.