For years in the manufacturing industry and probably many others, the term “value added” is used. I’m tired of it!
it needs a new name. Can STLR help?
“Value added” is used to describe a process in which we add things, make enhancements or changes to existing products.
we call it our “value added” department. this is what I want to change.
“Unnecessary bureaucratic procedure and middleman bloat that enables everyone and their brother to try to get a cut of the transaction by larding on yet another layer of incremental price spread, thereby driving end user cost through the roof” dept.
Yes I’m quite familiar with the term. In a former life that was code for ‘we found a new way to give you something you didn’t ask for, didn’t need, don’t need and won’t ever need, but it sounds WICKED cool and will only cost you a 20% premium over your current selection.’
I’m thinking how to sanitize that term…will update after I ponder it a bit.
I’ve seen “added consideration” in contracts. That term always bites them in the ass because the company offering has thought it was meaningless ad jargon but my client relied upon it and was injured because of that reliance.
Cam’t help you with the corp side, but frmo the legal side it could get y’all in trouble
Value Added is used in sales when we throw other shit into what you need in order to drive up our profits. Now, it’s your responsibility to find it and remove it, otherwise, you’ll pay us for shit you’ll never use and this will make us a nice little profit.
Birth control is value added into every Obamacare health insurance policy. So guys, enjoy it.