Hip flexor pain, possible strain, advice appreciated

A couple weeks ago I went down on my bike. Nasty contusion on my left hip. Took almost two weeks off where I did no running, cut my bike mileage in half, and only pulled swimming. A few days ago I started kicking again, doing about 5 mins of vertical kicking arms crossed, 200m kick, 500m free, 1000 pull. Woke up yesterday with quite a bit of pain in my left hip flexor and today I’m limping when I walk.

  1. Can I safely assume this is a hip flexor sprain?
  2. I have a sprint race this weekend, any harm in just turning it into a duathalon (swim bike)?
  3. What should my protocol be when I get home? See my gp? See a physio? Deep tissue message?

I can move laterally without pain but when I do anything that would engage the hip flexor (walk, run, kick) I get a sharp pain and, frankly, I don’t feel like I could run very fast even if I had to.

As usual, thanks for any help. You guys are a cornucopia of knowledge.



aside from the entry fee and pride why race?


Expensive hotel room and I already drove four hours down here (Miami) :confused:

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Try foam rolling it out and see if it gets better or worse.