I’ve been doing a lot of winter training and would like to know how my fit is looking. It’s really comfortable for me overall, and I can keep aero position for long periods of time, but I’d like to get lower soon.
Exactly everything rruff said! The reason your aero position is so comfortable is partly because it isn’t aero at all! No meaning to be rude or snarky, but there are thousands and thousands of photos of very fast triathletes and time trial people on the internet (heck … on this website) that you can look at and compare against. Honestly, you’re not even close. If your goal is to just get through it, you’re fine. If you aspire to more than that, you’ve got a lot of work to do on that fit/position.
Thanks guys for the feedback. I’ll definitely get lower.
How about the rest of the fit? How’s the seat height and fore/aft? I sit off the front of the saddle, but I hope I’m not too far forward or not forward enough?
Your saddle looks on the low side of average, but saddle fore-aft and height is pretty individual. It is much easier for me to criticize a too-high saddle.
Once you get the bars low, then worry about the saddle position that works the best with that.