
Starting to ride for a longer period of time (3+ hours). Im normally a heavy sweater but its not quite summer yet. Im wondering how much fluid I should be taking in per hour. Just finished a 4 hour ride. Consumed 24oz of Nuun and another 16oz of gatorade, plus 1 gel and a clif bar. Pre ride 2 slices of banana bread, 1 banana, protiend shake with ghee and coconut butter. This was a slower ride lots of climbing. Any feedback would be helpful.

Started the day with long swim

I just finished a 3:30 trainer ride with at or above HIM goal watts. Heavy sweater. 135 lbs, 5’8"

4 22 ounce bottles of sports drink (all bottles should have been sports drink, but like to have water to clean my teeth)
2 22 ounce bottles of water
1 24 ounce bottle of water
about 12 ounce more of water out of my nalgene bottle.

3 Gels
1 Powerbar
3 clif block
4 Salt sticks

I then ran 45:00 and had a 6 ounce bottle of sports drink.

Take this for what its worth. I am getting ready for a race. Training my gut. thats 430 calories an hour and 100 grams or so of carbs an hour. You are about to get … way to many answers about what you should drink and eat, or better yet, you are going to get answers that say you don’t need to drink or eat anything for a 4 hour ride. My advice to you is to find a sports nutritionist. If you can’t do that. Test out things, Take too much, Take to little, eventually you will find out what works for you.


Aim for one bottle of water and 50-60g carbs per hour

For a 135lb person, that sounds like a lot of stuff you put into yourself during 3.5 hours. Were you going really slow or barfing a lot? Tim

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drink when you’re thirsty

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drink when you’re thirsty

No, drink before you are thirsty.

For a 135lb person, that sounds like a lot of stuff you put into yourself during 3.5 hours. Were you going really slow or barfing a lot? Tim

No, why would I braf?. I was fine, hence you need to train your gut to handle the nutrition. The ride was below HIM goal watts, 2x20 above HIM Goal watts and then more just below HIM goal watts. Run was upper Z3. No stomach/gut problems. If you don’t train it, you’re going to get sick.

This free fueling .pdf from Hammer will tell you your answer along with more info than you’ll probably ever need to know… http://www.hammernutrition.com/downloads/fuelinghandbook.pdf