I am relaying some information for a friend of mine. I figured that some of the lawyers here could provide some thoughts as to what recourse my friend has. He is out approximately $70k for a business (worth 5 times that) that was taken from him by his partner. Plus, he paid legal fees for which he did not receive the services that were expected. This happened in Florida.
He is debating on whether or not to hire an attorney to sue his previous attorney, but doesn’t know if he will lose. He is also concerned that too much time has passed to sue his former business partner - because his attorney took too long to take action.
Can anyone here provide some thoughts?
A friend of mine went into a business partnership with another guy to open a liquor store. My friend owned 35% of the shares and his partner owned the rest. They ran it for almost four years and even expanded to a bar. After 4 years, they had about $250k in inventory
One night his partner came in and told him that he was in bad financial trouble and had agreed to sell the business to someone for $70k. At the time, they had $250k in inventory plus a valuable liquor license. My friend said that he did not want to sell the store, and definitely not at that value – but the partner told him he had no choice.
He found out that what had actually happened was that the partner sold ONLY my friend’s shares and had gotten $70k for them, but was only paying my friend $20k. All this happened after they had paid off several SBA loans. They also received a settlement for BP (not sure how much) that my friend should have been entitled to.
My friend then hired an attorney to recover money from the sale of his shares as well as the portion of the BP settlement, but also to protect him from liability/debt incurred from the other owner. He had not cashed the check for $20k, but the lawyer told him to do so since he was under duress.
My friend called the attorney on a regular basis asking about the status and was informed that things were progressing. Fifteen months after hiring the attorney, my friend discovered that a lawsuit had been filed against him by his former landlord because the former business partner had failed to pay rent and my friends name was still on the contract. His attorney assured him he would handle it. The lawsuit was filed in January 2012 and my friend had hired the attorney on Nov, 2010. It took six months to clear up that lawsuit, at which time his attorney told him the retainer fees had been consumed. The lawsuit had a negative impact on a job he was trying to obtain as an insurance adjuster.
In October 2012 he received an e-mail stating that the finishing touches had been put on the case and that it was then on contingency. He was asked to bring in a filing fee, which he did. To this date, no case has ever been filed even though he paid the filing fee.
My friend and his attorney exchanged over 140 text messages (still saved) and phone calls during which the attorney assured him that he would file the case within a day or two and would provide the case number to him. But this never happened.
Finally, the attorney told him that he could no longer represent my friend because there was conflict of interest.