I was hoping for some help with my knee injury i have been suffering from for several months.
It is medial pain on and very slightly below the joint line. The pain was gradual onset. I was only running at the time. I have since started biking which doesn’t bother it, but if I run i will feel it worse after the run. I did a 15k early February and was limping the next day, but I had a great race and ran pretty much pain free. I have taken time off since that race and while the pain is not as much as when i was running through it, it is still present. There is pain when I am stretching my hamstring in full extension and on full flexion with force like when i crouch to tie my shoe. I can feel it a little on a twisting motion too. Most of the time there is no pain, especially if there is no weight or motion. If I palpate at the area, I can cause pain.
Meniscal tear is possible, though my symptoms are not completely consistent with that. McMurry’s test only causes slight discomfort. My doctor said it should cause more pain if it is a meniscus tear because he was really wailing on it. Next step is an MRI, but I was looking for others experience where it may have not been a meniscus tear. I am hoping it is not because I would like to avoid surgery.
Based on what I have read, I am thinking either meniscus tear, semimebranosus bursitus or distal hamstring tear.
I have a very similar issue. It occurred from a cycling accident a year ago when I got hit by a car. I had an MRI done early, say 8 months ago, and they said it was a bone bruise, medial side, just below the knee. Right where you are describing. I had an Ortho doctor look at it a few months ago. She ran the tests and said that there is nothing structurally wrong with my knee. Furthermore she said more than likely my knee is weak and it needs to strengthen itself again, so go run on it. However, when I run I’m fine but generally limp hours/the day after. It also hurts (sporadically) with twisting motion. The pain is not consistent and very sporadic. Some days it’s there, some days it isn’t. In fact, I can literally walk for 5 minutes in pain, sit down for a few, and get back up to walk again and there is no pain at all. When I mean pain I don’t mean to the point of where I can’t walk or excruciating, but more or less an annoyance that just pisses me off.
Try this and see if it causes this irritation/pain for you as it does for me. We may have this same issue if this is happening with you too. Stand straight up. Whichever knee is bothering you, align the knee joint outside of your foot and do one legged squats. At a certain point during the movement it hurts every time. The key is to make sure your knee is outside of your foot line.
I’m at a loss as to what I need to do. I want this issue healed so I can improve my run because right now I don’t like to run because of the discomfort I feel afterwards.
Thanks for the reply. That sounds a lot like what I have going on. I didn’t have any sudden or specific time where injury occurred, nor do I have pain in the squat motion, but the description is similar otherwise.
No problem. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on just like you are. Wouldn’t you know it I ran a speed workout with my tri group tonight on hard pavement and no pain so far. WTF??? LOL
not sure of your age, but i started having knee issues at 55. medial meniscus damage…degenerative. had one operated on age 58 in 2006. they took big chunk of posterior horn…no major OA and it limited my running long. about year ago your symptoms were similar to my other knee. verdict degenerative tears and more OA. the surgery doc said if he trimmed some i would have more OA, so we gave stem cell/prp a shot as i still like to do the occasional shorter races.
agree pt can help with minor medial pain. tight and imbalanced muscles put load on joints. the knee is a hinge so could have problems in ankle or hip. but if older you might want to explore stem cell or prp. the regenexx website has the scoop on knee issues. i got stem cell/prp at emory in atlanta last september and the knee is responding very favorably.
Have had your exact issue/symptoms for 2 years now. Full work up, PT, steroids, MRI, ect. All is normal with my knee…besides the pain. I just ignore it now, does not get worse or better with anything I do.