My question has been answered about Candace Cameron

She is a nut to.

Explain why you think she’s nuts?

Is it because she believes in something?

Definitely doesn’t define crazy. She looks like a lovely young lady, who believes in Jesus.


Multiple times.

If it quacks like a duck and looks like a… never mind.

I would normally be the first to say no necessarily. But she publicly stated her life revolves around Jesus Christ and that other article. That is a firm attestation of faith most people keep their faith private. Evangelicals in most cases, do not. Then there is her brother. I have a hard time believing there isn’t a little too much influence there.

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Explain why you think she’s nuts?

Is it because she believes in something?

Definitely doesn’t define crazy. She looks like a lovely young lady, who believes in Jesus.

I don’t get it either. She professes that she is a devout Christian. I don’t think she’s killed anyone in the name of Christ, has she?

As to being submissive to her husband. It sounds as if it is a choice that she makes and it works well for both of them since they claim to be happily married for 17 years. I would say that in most successful marriages there is a spouse who is clearly the leader, and one who is a bit more submissive. There aren’t many happy marriages/relationships where the two people are battling for power and control.

I would say that my wife pretty much takes the same approach that Candace Cameron does. It doesn’t mean that she is weak or belittled, but actually quite the opposite. I value her opinion on all matters, and won’t do anything that she is against. But she willingly lets me make decisions on most matters.


My issue with her is that she comes across as a hypocrite.

You go on a TV show that you have seen and you KNOW what the show is and then you yell foul about various aspects of the show.

I’m always a little (OK, a lot) suspect of people who feel the need to tell you how good of a they are. Those who REALLY are a good show by their actions, not their mouth.


Thank you for your explanation. I understand now and agree with this point: “. . .most people keep their faith private.”

I’d hit that.

She’s hot.

I respect you and your wife’s relationship. My husband and I are equal to each other. I’m not submissive to him nor is he to me.

Again, I respect your relationship, and if Candace want to be submissive to her husband, that’s her choice.


My issue with her is that she comes across as a hypocrite.

You go on a TV show that you have seen and you KNOW what the show is and then you yell foul about various aspects of the show.

I’m always a little (OK, a lot) suspect of people who feel the need to tell you how good of a they are. Those who REALLY are a good show by their actions, not their mouth.

How is going on a show with an intention to show how a person can dance and still be a Christian makes that person a hypocrite? Does the fact that she talks about it without shame make her worse than the woman who is dancing without legs talks about her situation?

“Those who REALLY are a good show by their actions, not their mouth.”

Great point!

There is a double standard in the world today. If a celebrity comes out and tells the world they’re gay it’s front page news and they’re labeled a hero. If you say you believe in Jesus you’re told to keep your private life private.

At the end of the day if a husband and wife disagree it’s stalemate and you have to decide how to move forward. Candace has decided to do the hard thing by taking a biblical approach and allowing her husband to have the final say. That’s the submission she’s talking about when she says *“The definition I’m using with the word ‘submissive’ is the biblical definition of that. So, it is meekness, it is not weakness. It is strength under control, it is bridled strength.” * This isn’t about husbands ruling over their wives or denying them a voice. In fact it’s the opposite. The very next passage in the Bible after the call for woman to submit to their husbands is a call for men to love their wives as Christ loved the church. That means sacrificial love, putting the other persons needs above your own and servant leadership. How is that bad?

With the average marriage lasting 8 years and the record setting divorce rates (41% failure rate for 1st marriage, 60% for the 2nd, 73% for the 3rd) maybe it’s time we take a look at our changing value system and see if it’s yielding the kind of results we want in our lives and in our family’s.

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I respect you and your wife’s relationship. My husband and I are equal to each other. I’m not submissive to him nor is he to me.

Again, I respect your relationship, and if Candace want to be submissive to her husband, that’s her choice.

Which is all well and good, until they condemn your lifestyle/beliefs and go out of their way to convert you to their idea.

Unfortunately, I’ve never met an evangelical who doesn’t force their beliefs on others.

I respect you and your wife’s relationship. My husband and I are equal to each other. I’m not submissive to him nor is he to me.

Again, I respect your relationship, and if Candace want to be submissive to her husband, that’s her choice.

I definitely consider my wife as an equal. In fact, in many ways she is my superior. I don’t make major decisions without her input. If she is against something, I listen and will usually not do something that she opposes.

I think the key thing is we respect and love one another. Just as in the bible passage that Perseus mentioned, we have a two way street. While she might be submissive, she also trusts that I put my family ahead of myself and won’t make a decision that I don’t think is best for all of us.

Many years ago I worked at the city fire department. A captain’s wife came in to the station one day for lunch. One of the firefighters had been having a discussion with the captain about what was going to be on TV. The firefighter realized he was wrong and said “That is coming on tv. You were right captain”. His wife looked at him and said “Of course. You’re always right aren’t you?” She wasn’t joking, she was dead serious. I almost puked.


“I definitely consider my wife as an equal.”

I don’t doubt it. I’m sure you’re very fair.

Being submissive in my relationship with my husband is not necessary. That’s all. I’ve been married 34 years and we work well together.

Sounds like your wife is happy and that’s all that matters.


“I definitely consider my wife as an equal.”

I don’t doubt it. I’m sure you’re very fair.

Being submissive in my relationship with my husband is not necessary. That’s all. I’ve been married 34 years and we work well together.

Sounds like your wife is happy and that’s all that matters.

I think that’s exactly how my relationship is, as well. We discuss most decisions and compromise when we don’t agree. There are plenty of women who defer to their men for decisions, and that’s fine as long as they are content with it. I think it’s easier to consider ourselves equal since we both have full-time jobs and make our own money, though.

We are going through the Catholic pre-cana right now and it’s really really hard for me not to roll my eyes at all of the references to how I should be submissive and let the man make the decisions, and how my job is to be fertile and have babies. Luckily we can do the class online so my eye rolls won’t offend anyone.

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My husband and I didn’t go through the Catholic pre-cana classes.
The priest that married us waived it. His only requirement was to have him over for dinner after one-year of marriage. The priest was a gourmet cook, and after one year of marriage, he got his invite. It was fun!

Good luck with the classes. Happy Wedding Day, too.

P.S. It’s a give and take in my house, too.

I wonder if she shaves her coochie.

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Whether she does, or not, it appears that she only does if her husband says she does … even if she doesn’t.