NCAA swimming... What the hell was that?

I worked the NCAA women’s championships for ESPN this past weekend. In a relay one of the swimmers got out and started flopping around, shaking like a fish out of water. At first I thought she may be having a seizure, but her team trainer got her up and sat her in a chair and told her to relax, keep breathing. I had to keep my attention on the race, so I didn’t see how long it lasted, but she was up and walked to the medal ceremony. Was this something swimming related from going all out?

swimming related, as in a normal occurence at swim meets? No.

That said, I hope she’s OK. Sounds like a medical issue of some sort.

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She seemed fine. She was laughing along with her team a few mins later. I already have major water anxiety, witnessing that didn’t help.

Not common but I coached a HS swimmer years ago who did something similar after a 200IM. I thought he was just trying to get out of swimming it at finals but evidently he had an anxiety attack. IIRC Katie Hoff had meltdown at her first olympics where she vomited on the deck. Again, not common but I guess it does happen.

Not sure what was going on there, but in college we did what we called “Fish on dry dock”. So if you can imagine a fish flopping on the ground just after being caught, that is what we were going for. Arms locked at side and flopping feverishly in a locked out position. But we usually did it at dances, someone would yell out fish on dry dock!!, and everyone would hit the floor. Needless to say, folks would be in some bit of shock at what they were seeing. Perhaps some similar ritual at this team??


Is there a video out there of this? After monty’s response, I really want to see this.


This show will broadcast, not sure when. Maybe the upper cam caught, I wasn’t about to get in her face with a camera.
This wasn’t a dance she was either first or second swimmer in relay. Too early to celebrate. She turned purple, I thought she was “tapping out” forever.

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Supposed to air on ESPNU on 4/2 at 9pm Eastern.

One of her competitors probably peed in the pool.


not even close to funny.

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She’s ok. She got up and walked to the medal ceremony. Lighten up.

Could be related to effort-related sudden weakness - there was a recent article about a good HS female runner that has this after every race, and has to be carried off the finish line by her coach - they know it’s going to happen and it freaks everyone out, but she’s fine afterwards.


That is what i thought is could have been. Didn’t know if it was somewhat common with swimming??

That HS runner you are talking about has M.S.

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Sounds possible

Not sure what was going on there, but in college we did what we called “Fish on dry dock”. So if you can imagine a fish flopping on the ground just after being caught, that is what we were going for. Arms locked at side and flopping feverishly in a locked out position. But we usually did it at dances, someone would yell out fish on dry dock!!, and everyone would hit the floor. Needless to say, folks would be in some bit of shock at what they were seeing. Perhaps some similar ritual at this team??

The “original” halibut shake?

Not sure what was going on there, but in college we did what we called “Fish on dry dock”. So if you can imagine a fish flopping on the ground just after being caught, that is what we were going for. Arms locked at side and flopping feverishly in a locked out position. But we usually did it at dances, someone would yell out fish on dry dock!!, and everyone would hit the floor. Needless to say, folks would be in some bit of shock at what they were seeing. Perhaps some similar ritual at this team??

Like this? (Safe for work).

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Thats it!!!