Trying to slim down, and been doing all of my trainer rides with just water. This is either in the morning, or as soon as I get home from work.
Just curious if anyone takes a gel before a workout or use some kind of sports energy drink during a training ride/run.
With the intensity slowly increasing, I’m not sure if I will eventually find myself bonking, or probably not for an hour to hour and half training session.
Sounds like a good rule to follow. Thanks. I’ve taken a gel before a ftp ride, but just keeping to water. Previously I’d put heed or roctane, but seems excessive to me now.
I’m on the same plan–trying to slim down a bit and used to do 1/2 gatorade, 1/2 water, but have switched to all water. no shot blocks for anything shorter than 75 min; my body seems to have adapted over the past month or so. if it’s a brick wkout, I’ll down a gel 10 min before the end of the ride.
I’m not trying to slim down. That being said I find water sufficient for trainer rides. Even rides like Sufferfest ISLAGIATT which is 2 hours and not easy doesn’t require carbing up. I have done that ride with gels and without, my performance was the same. I do keep about 36oz+ of water on hand though. The only time I eat anything before a trainer ride now is if I am postponing a meal to get a long ride in. In that case I will usually eat a piece of fruit beforehand.
EDIT - 1 16 ounce bottle of water I will add a service of Skratch labs hydration for harder rides, which does have 20g carbs
A banana and maybe a glass of orange juice. For rides over 90 minute I’ll use 1 bottle of my sports drink and a 2nd bottle with water… just because I sweat so much on the trainer. Same if it was a outdoor ride in the morning.
However, keep in mind that if your dieting, your glycogen stores may be more limited, especially if you are “fasting” from as early as 7PM until morning. 12 hour without food, while trimming calories… probably means you are not storing anywhere near 2000 calories…maybe 1000 at best. Still plenty for 1 hour, but you’ll probably fall short as you approach 90 minutes unless you drop intensity to burn more fat.
Had a late dinner, around 9pm, and some pretzel as snacks. This morning attempted a sweet spot over under and I felt smashed. I stopped in between the first two overs and took one of those baby food looking powerbar things. Helped me. I’m thinking for after work efforts, water should be fine, and if in the morning, got to take something in. Maybe a mental thing.
Not trying to slim down, I have a banana and coffee for AM rides and just a banana for after work ride. Longer rides I just keep bananas next to bike. Dirt cheap, natural and does the trick.
thanks for the tip. i find that sometimes when i eat a banana first thing, get like an acidic feeling, like something coming up, but will try again. try to eat more bananas throughout the day when i get hungry.
Trying to slim down, and been doing all of my trainer rides with just water. This is either in the morning, or as soon as I get home from work.
Just curious if anyone takes a gel before a workout or use some kind of sports energy drink during a training ride/run.
With the intensity slowly increasing, I’m not sure if I will eventually find myself bonking, or probably not for an hour to hour and half training session.
Before I’ll do 1-2 scoops of EFS and a scoop of prerace. If it’s over 2 hours I’ll have some liquid shot too. Slimming down is good but not at the expense of having a shitty ride because I’m under fueled. Cut the 200-300 calories out somewhere else in your diet.
Thanks for the perspective on that. I’m hitting my numbers, at least for now, but I’m coming from a long lay off also. I think I can get away with water for certain rides, and might need a boost before.
I am also watching how I eat throughout the day. More vegetables and fruit which is an area I was lacking.
"Here and elsewhere the approach of training while fasted pre-breakfast has been suggested as a way to promote “fat burning” and I have tried this from time to time, though without any clear effect.
I recently watched this webinar by John Ivy. It appears to provide a good overview of nutrition with especial focus on timing wrt to the various phases of training>>>>>
. Nutrient Timing Webinar
One topic that caught my eye was that starting around 1:21:20
A graph is presented that shows the cycle of what happens while you sleep
Late at night growth hormone increases, peaks and decreases within a 3 hour or so cycle post falling asleep.
4 hours or so after falling asleep cortisol levels start to increase in response to declining blood sugar levels. This level continues to increase up to and beyond waking which will in turn cause a breakdown of muscle protein.
Dr Ivy makes a very clear recommendation that on waking you should breakfast in order to stop this process.
This is notwithstanding the positive effect of taking caesin as a late night snack on overall protein balance (since it does not stop protein breakdown, only affect its extent).
This has changed my thinking on the value/risk of pre-breakfast workouts.
I have never been entirely sure of their value, since it is somewhat difficult to quantify their actual benefit vs alternative means to achieve the same supposed benefits.
From the above it seems as if their is a serious risk they could be very counter-productive, since they will aggravate the situation and are as likely to be “protein burning” as much as “fat burning”.
I’d be interested to hear what others think on this."
Thanks for that Neal. Interested in everyone’s input on this. I always follow my workouts with a scoop of Muscle Milk. This seems to do me better than something with a 4:1 ratio like Recoverite. I see my power intervals getting stronger with a protein recovery. I will then eat something within the hour after.
Trying the sweet spot over unders on an empty stomach was rough, so try to start with a Gu, but breakfast seems interesting. Would have to time well so I don’t make myself throw up.
Not trying to lose weight, but don’t want to gain either. If 2 hours or less, unless it’s an high intensity workout, just water. If a Thold or harder, or 2 plus hours it’s water and dates or bananas or sweet potatoes. Gels and sugar drinks for racing only.
I was a big sports drink junkie and energy cubes on the bike, but int the last 2 weeks have changed the 1st bottle to be just water with honey added. I’ve eliminated any other additional nutrition for the 1st hr of the bike. Previously, every 20 min I was taking something. So far working and even into the 2nd hour, adding less than before. Not sure what will happen 90 min into the run though.
I read the honey/water mix on the internet and we all know that has to be true. Bonjour!
perfect sports drink because it is already slightly sweetened, plus it has MCT oils. Tried it on a training long run, works perfect, and i assume it’ll work on long rides too.