Over the last few years, I have gotten decent at pacing my IM efforts, but I always am a little off on the HIM goals/targets.
Here is some data that should help:
I haven’t done a true FTP test in a while, but I have been able to hit 2 x 20 at between 230 and 250 for the last several months, mostly on the trainer. Historically, I have been able to do a 40k TT at around 235 or 250 watts. I have put in some hard bike time and since I am hitting good numbers indoors, I am thinking that my outdoor FTP is around 250.
Recently I have posted some run PRs. At 10k I did just over 40 minutes (wasn’t an all out effort), did three 5ks recently all around 18 to 18:30.
On same HIM course last year, I rode 2:23 on something like 180 watts and ran 7:20s off the bike.
I am in better shape this year, so I setup a training day yesterday where I would dress me and the bike like race day and do 56 miles and then run 6 all mimicking race conditions.
I aimed for 210 watts on the ride, which I hit dead on (209NP/210AP) for 2:20 spilt (full aero kit). I am fairly aero and will be more so because I was carrying some extra drag that wont be there on race day; there was also a pretty big wind differential over the course of the ride, so in good conditions, I will be under 2:20 for sure. I stopped 2 times to move bottles around, both stops were under 1 minute; I stopped the watch for those breaks. I loaded the bike into the car and then started running aiming to run 7:05s.
I did 6:57, 7:01, 7:03. . . I was feeling good, so I decided to pick it up some, I went 6:46, 6:33, and then went all out and did 6:11.
So after that, I am pretty sure that my 210 and 7:05 goals were to conservative. So the question for the ST hive mind is: what AP and what run pace?