Re. NADON ruling.
Why is the PMO surprised here?
Re. NADON ruling.
Why is the PMO surprised here?
Who cares really, we should talk about the QC politics… cant wait for another referendum!
Are those idiots talking referendum again? Why? How many do they have to lose before they realise that most Quebecers don’t actually want to leave?
The emperor didn’t get his way this time. Looks good on him.
Re. NADON ruling.
Why is the PMO surprised here?
Honestly, I’ve not been following but judicial independence isn’t an important principal of our legal system. It’s really too bad that it does not actually exist, nor has it ever actually existed.
Re. NADON ruling.
Why is the PMO surprised here?
Honestly, I’ve not been following but judicial independence** isn’t an important **principal of our legal system. It’s really too bad that it does not actually exist, nor has it ever actually existed.
Oh good god, I just re-read this! I meant it IS an important aspect of the judicial system. It’s just clear it doesn’t actually exist.
Who cares really, we should talk about the QC politics… cant wait for another referendum!
Are those idiots talking referendum again? Why? How many do they have to lose before they realise that most Quebecers don’t actually want to leave?
Because it is the only way for the PQ to get back the seats they lost to the NDP last election in rural Quebec. Think about it - if you lost seats to candidates who didn’t even speak French and had never been to their ridings you would probably go back to what won you those seats in the first place, and that was “screw the english pigdogs”.
Even francophone friends of mine who are staunch supporters of French culture and language think Marois is an idiot.