Wow, calling an election has turned out to be the dumbest thing that they have ever done. Hoping to go from a Minority to a Majority and getting your ass kicked in the process. Ouch.
Good job, Marois. At least she has the good sense to step down.
Wow, calling an election has turned out to be the dumbest thing that they have ever done. Hoping to go from a Minority to a Majority and getting your ass kicked in the process. Ouch.
Good job, Marois. At least she has the good sense to step down.
Never happier to see the Liberals win in a landslide (and I’m Conservative as a general rule). And they had 71% voter turnout, which is great - obviously people were passionate in their views, it just wasn’t what the PQ expected.
Never happier to see the Liberals win in a landslide (and I’m Conservative as a general rule). And they had 71% voter turnout, which is great - obviously people were passionate in their views, it just wasn’t what the PQ expected.
The latest poll shows that 2/3 of Quebecers don’t want an another referendum right now. What were they thinking?
The latest poll shows that 2/3 of Quebecers don’t want an another referendum right now. What were they thinking?
That the average Quebecois is as xenophobic as the PQ leadership appears to be?
And, if that failed, then that the average Quebecois could be bought off with tax relief?
“Never happier to see the Liberals win in a landslide”
I’ll be a lot happier when they also win in the next federal election.
Be careful what you wish for…
While I generally vote Liberal, I am very wary of Petit Trudeau.
“I am very wary of Petit Trudeau.”
Its time for Harpo and the clowns to go. I’d vote ABH - Anybody But Harper no matter who runs against him.
I agree that Harper’s time is up. I just don’t know that things will be better with Trudeau.
Don’t just blindly vote for someone because his name isn’t Harper.
Don’t you mean just don’t vote Conservative. Period.
No, that’s not even close to what I mean.
If the PCs put a good candidate forward I will look into what he’s all about.
No, that’s not even close to what I mean.
If the PCs put a good candidate forward I will look into what he’s all about.
But they are not the PCs any more, they are the CPCs.
No, that’s not even close to what I mean.
If the PCs put a good candidate forward I will look into what he’s all about.
But they are not the PCs any more, they are the CPCs.
You can call poo many different things but it always stinks.
No, that’s not even close to what I mean. If the PCs put a good candidate forward I will look into what he’s all about.
It will be a difficult choice come election time.
I can’t bring myself to vote for the Stephen led Cons again - he’s gone far too far on the conservative social agenda, and has been far to Machiavellian in how he consolidated his grip on power. He comes across as very un-Canadian.
Justin ‘Up in Smoke’ Trudeau is not a good choice either. He seems like he’s trying to take on a job because its his birthright and not because he’s right for it. I see a lot of political gaffes in his future. I supose I could live with that but I worry he’ll buy political support by bribing the Canadian taxpayers with their own money, spending like mad and putting my kids and grandkids deeper into debt.
I ran across him a few times when we were both undergrads at McGill - I didn’t know him that well but he never impressed me in person.
I can’t even remember the name of the NDP leader; and I intend to keep it that way.
Maybe I’ll vote Green as a protest vote (does the Green Party still exist?)
Peter McKay would make a great Conservative PM candidate. He’s fiscally responsible, but socially he’s level headed and very Canadian. None of that red-neck, baby-jesus loves oil & hates gays rhetoric that seem to be the core of the social conservative ‘Alliance’ types. Plus he’s got fantastic charisma, particularly in foreign affairs - remember how well he got along with Condoleeza Rice?
Unfortunately it seems like he had a falling out with Harper a few years ago (was he out-shining Harper?) and Steve-o took him off the Defense and Foreign Affairs portfolios and gave him Justice (a step down).
“But they are not the PCs any more, they are the CPCs.”
They’re a clone of Preston Manning’s Reform Party, not the PC’s of old. Their take on social issues and international affairs doesn’t extend much further than rural southern Alberta.
Good luck with that. He’s killing your environment. You’ll have to move to Pittsburgh for clean air and water soon.
I had a great time in Cuba this winter hanging out with a bunch a French Canadian scuba divers. My father was originally from Trois Rivieres and I have lots of Quebec relatives but my French is not very good unfortunately since I never actually lived in Quebec. Most of the time we all spoke English rather than French.
The consensus I got from the Quebecers is that support for the PQ in the rural areas is much stronger than in the Montreal or western Quebec. If you’re going to spend your entire life in La Toque or Rimouski then you probably won’t need to learn English, but for the rest of Quebec they want to stay in confederation and want to be bilingual. They do however wish to preserve the French culture and language in Quebec which is entirely understandable.
anyone willing to read the tea leaves and bet long on the federal election? if quebec goes landslide liberal federally, what does that mean?
Who knows what they will do. Last time they voted for a bunch of NDs; that won’t happen again this time. I can see them throwing full support behind JT though.
In fact most federal elections often go the opposite of the provinces. Folks don’t like the policies of whoever is in Federal/Provincial power so they vote for the opposites in the next available election.
Elections have been pretty interesting in Canada lately. The federal Tory majority was a surprise, the PC’s beating WildRose in the AB provincial election, the BCLibs surprise majority, and now the PQ’s abrupt change in fortunes.
Really anything can happen once writ drops… maybe Putin will try to annex Nunavut since the Inuit have Russian heritage or some BS.
Actually, if you read Collapse by Jared Diamond you’ll notice that the Inuit only came to Greenland round about the time the Vikings/Norseman had their colony at the southern tip there, around 1300AD (see pretty maps under "Early History). The same climate shift that eventually caused the Vikings to die out there also caused the Inuit to come further and further south, complicating matters even more for the Vikings, because they got into arguments over hunting grounds. Inuits are apparently even more badass than Vikings, especially in -40*C weather.
Apparently the Inuit have only been in the Canadian Arctic for maybe 1000 years or so. So Putin may have a point.
Thanks blind voter…
Rob Anders aka
Blue Tory Rob