While this usually does not warrant a PSA, I’d like to explain to you guys why.
Over the last little while I’ve tried to build a reputation as a subject matter expert re: head and brain injuries. I thought that in order to provide trustworthiness it would be best to do this under my own name. However, due to some things I’m going through right now I’d like to be able to tell you guys things I don’t necessarily want to tell opposing counsel.
So there you go: I’m the guy with the head injury and the Dutch accent. And the MSc in Mathematics. If you don’t know who that is, you probably don’t care, so in that case carry on.
But it can still be traced to you via your old scree name & profile.
I know. But at least if they have a google notification thingy set up posting shit here won’t trigger it anymore. It’ll be a lot harder for them.
I don’t need complete anonymity. I’ll still think long and hard about what to post. I just don’t want them to be able to simply cherry-pick from my on-line presence and for example twist my post from earlier tonight about depression and suicide into something I never meant it to be.
Major Strasser: What is your nationality?
Rick: I’m a drunkard.
Captain Renault: That makes Rick a citizen of the world.
Hence my sig.
I actually think that whole Rick/Ilsa “we’ll always have Paris” story arc is actually a bit sappy. Odd, since it’s the main story arc, and it’s one of my all time favorite movies.
You should have changed it to David Blaine and make your presence on the internet disappear. I’m thinking of changing my name to something very common, so that if anybody comes across my posts here, they can type search and basically every thread will pop up.