Side Stitch - What's the worst that can happen?

Had a side stitch today during the last 5min of my cool down and decided to run on through it, but it got me wondering: what’s the worst that can happen if you continue to do so? If this had been just 5min into my run and I decided to keep on going, what would eventually happen? Anyone know?


Nothing. It’ll just be uncomfortable for a bit.
Although, it is odd that it struck you in the cool down. They usually hit when you are breathing too hard.

worst that happened to me was a sore side for 3-4 days when i finished off a 10 mi TT with a stitch for last mile

I ran with a guy in college that raced thru a ss and is bothered him the rest of the season. It seems that he pulled something. Those things were the worst, but seemed to happen less often with age.

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I ran with a guy in college that raced thru a ss and is bothered him the rest of the season. It seems that he pulled something. Those things were the worst, but seemed to happen less often with age.

Happened to me training for my first marathon on a long run. Managed it best I could. Each week it would come back about a mile further. At the race, it hit around mile 22. At mile 25 I had 15 minutes left to break 4 hours, and gritted my teeth and ran through it, basically doubled over the whole rest of the way. Cleared 4 hours by 4 minutes.

Unfortunately I ended up really injuring myself doing that. It’s 4 years later and I still get a debilitating stitch 50% of the time under my right rib if I go too hard on the run. None of the dr’s I’ve been to have any idea what it is.

It’s only through controlled, steady breathing and focusing on relaxing through my core and shoulders, both on the bike and the run, that I can keep it at bay.

This season so far has been a bit better. I found a couple stretches/exercises that might be helping. Either that or I’ve managed to learn how to deal with it.

I don’t know, but if you get one again breathe out on the leg you don’t usually breathe out on. Most people breathe out on the right leg, switching to the left usually helps side stitches. I don’t know why it does, but it does for a lot of people.

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You could fall down and die. You asked for the worst outcome and I gave it to you. But more realisticly, just keep walking and it will go away. YMMV Tim

I don’t know, but if you get one again breathe out on the leg you don’t usually breathe out on. Most people breathe out on the right leg, switching to the left usually helps side stitches. I don’t know why it does, but it does for a lot of people.

One thing to practice is odd interval breathing. Breathe in for 3 steps, out for 2. That way, you alternate on which leg you start your inhales and exhales and this can help keep the stitch at bay. Initially it will feel awkward like the old rubbing the belly, patting the head thing, but over time you can get pretty natural at it.

I get them sometimes. Usually from going too hard earlier in the season when I’m not prepared. There are a few theories as to how they happen (could also be from too much fluid in the stomach stretching the diaphragm), but if it’s from going too hard and there’s a lot of race left I have found that I have to relax, slow down and wait for it to lessen enough to run hard again. If I keep going, it’ll just end up slowing me too much at the end. If it’s in the middle/end of a 5k, just suck it up and keep moving.

According to this,, it’s just a stretched ligament that is spasming. I’ve never heard of it snapping or tearing so I wouldn’t think it likely you would be causing further damage by pushing through; but if it starts happening consistently, as with anything, give it some rest.

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Brilliant. This is what I was wondering indeed. The worst possible scenario. Good to know that it might be fall down and die, but that’s pretty highly unlikely.