Spring cleaning (5)

Dont know what came over me today. Just spent all freakin day cleaning my kitchen. I was like a clean freak on cocaine. I went nuts taking apart the refrigerator and the stove to scrub every inch, everything out of all the cupboards to clean. I even pulled out the appliances to clean behind and under them.

I wonder if I can do this with the rest of the house or if I burned myself out.

Anyways who has some good cleaning tips?

Baking soda, clean rags and Simple Green are all you need.


Can you come over to my house?

How do you use the baking soda?


Here are a few suggestions:



Remove Original Sin

The stain of the sin of Adam on the soul of every mortal can be removed with a mixture of baking soda and dishwashing liquid, first testing it on an inobtrusive section of your immortal spirit to make sure that it will not harm it. Your soul should then be air-dried and sprinkled with rug deodorizer.

It is a natural polisher. Use it in the toilet along with the toilet brush to help remove any growth. Sprinkle a little on a wet sponge and scrub away grease, mildew or scum from countertops, floors and sinks. If your skin is in need of exfoliation, baking soda will help remove the dead stuff.

Good for you.

I would recommend you use the vacuum as the first step in cleaning. Vacuum behind of and into your kitchen applicances and washer/dryer. It’s quick and can get the initial dust, hair, dirt, etc. And what about your air ducts? Use the hose attachment and get down into the ducts to vacuum out all annual clutter.

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Good for you.

I would recommend you use the vacuum as the first step in cleaning. Vacuum behind of and into your kitchen applicances and washer/dryer. It’s quick and can get the initial dust, hair, dirt, etc. And what about your air ducts? Use the hose attachment and get down into the ducts to vacuum out all annual clutter.

Did the vacuum thing. Two cats, 1 dog, and a 4 yo kid. You can imagine all the shit that was under the refrigerator!

Didn’t touch the ducts. Sounds terrifying


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How did you know what I was wearing?!?!?!

If I have inspired one person to clean up their space, my rant yesterday served a purpose.

My job here is done.

(BTW - the dust that accumulates behind and underneath furniture is disgusting.)

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Anyways who has some good cleaning tips?

You’d have to ask our maid.

you did!

i’m actually a big fan of making cleaning easier by just plain getting rid of stuff. start filling bags with clothes or books or whatever and just clear 'em right out. it’s amazing how much energy it takes to manage a bunch of stuff.


I’ve been going through thatgetting rid of all my ex’s stuff. my dining room has about 20 boxes of things waiting for her to Haul away!


i’m actually a big fan of making cleaning easier by just plain getting rid of stuff. start filling bags with clothes or books or whatever and just clear 'em right out. it’s amazing how much energy it takes to manage a bunch of stuff.


I’ve been going through thatgetting rid of all my ex’s stuff. my dining room has about 20 boxes of things waiting for her to Haul away!

Give her one more day, then put in on the curb and tell her that she has until garbage day to come get it. That will get her over in a hurry.


Thought about it but it’s not in me. Im trying to keep things as civil as possible. I’dmuch rather my kids have respect for me seeing me treat their mom nicely

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I pretty much did that with my ex. I gave him several warnings then called 1800GotJunk. I saved his mother’s silver because I felt bad for her. Took us a year to get it to him. I kept forgetting and so did he. Otherwise all his old paperwork, computer, some clothes, etc got either donated or tossed. Very freeing.

I’m working at home today waiting on the furniture and cleaning as I wait. Check email, clean for 15 minutes, check email, clean, etc etc etc.

UPS it to her. It gets the job done and is a nice and cold gesture.