Taking a 'Learn to Curl Clinic' tomorrow!

Pretty excited about it. My biggest worry is I know damn well I can’t get way down low in the lunge position to deliver the stone. Or if I do get down that low, that I won’t be able to get back up.

I did see that beer will be available for sale…

‘learn to curl’ . . . so that’s what they call it these days . . .
I remember a brief time back in the 80’s when we called it . . . ‘cleaning up the old hard drive’

Curling rule number one:

Curl a stone, drink a beer.

Curling rule number two:

See rule number one.

Curling season is over.

I’ve tried it, it’s a lot harder than it looks. Your first throw will go flying through the house. Your second will too. By the end of the session you might be able to throw it light enough to stay in the house. Not on target of course…

My best shot was when I took out two of my own team’s stones. I was really good…

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Ah… memories of grade 9 gym class.

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At first I was thinking the important curling:

Biceps are the boner of your arms, you want the shit pumped!

We are going tomorrow as well. I think we have a 2:00 p.m. lesson.

You sound exactly like me, except my first try I managed to lift the stone off the ice. Nobody was impressed.

We have a curling league here in central VA. May have to go check it out.

Ah… memories of grade 9 gym class.

just grade 9? Jeezzzus you city folk are deprived!