Trainerroad HR/Power discrepancy

I’m currently working my way through the mid-volume traditional base plan on TR using hr and virtual power. I’m on week 3 (Gibbs 4x this week) and my heart rate seems too low (max is 187 on the bike, sitting at 113-120 which is recovery range) when I’m doing these rides (1.5 to 2 hours @ 55% to 75% FTP), but my legs are still pretty sore when I’m done.

My virtual FTP (from the 20 minute test) is 268, but the test was done back in November.

Is my base just not developed and I’m effectively building it with these longer rides OR should I redo an FTP test? I can get through Sufferfest’s AVDP at 100% FTP without any problems whatsoever… It’s the longer rides at 65% FTP that seem harder for me.

I felt the same way. When I did another FTP test, my power went up substantially, however my HR only went up 3 bpm. Now that I am doing the TT program I have been seeing HR’s up in the 160’s on some of the intervals while in the base plan it never really went out of the 120’s.