Been playing with my position over last 8 weeks and with help from here Iv found a new and hopefully more beneficial position. I have a been on turbo for last 8 weeks and did a 2.5 hour session last Saturday. All felt good. Today was first time out on road my neck and shoulders are aching. I am when on turbo looking up as if on road but today when out my neck ached!
It is a different bike but I have measured the dimensions so all is same
Turbo race bike trek sc9.5 training bike trek sc2.5.
Any thoughts or doninjust start getting used to being out on road and after few sessions hopefully adjust?
You’ll adjust after a bit of time. On the trainer you’re not jouncing up and down causing your neck and other muscles to do the extra shock absorption and stabilization work they have to do out on a real road.
You’ll adjust after a bit of time. On the trainer you’re not jouncing up and down causing your neck and other muscles to do the extra shock absorption and stabilization work they have to do out on a real road.
Agreed. I had the same issues coming off the trainer this spring.
My lower back, right at the spine was sore. Those small muscles are working hard on the road, but get very little stimulation on a fixed trainer. My neck was also sore. While it may be the same answer, I’d bet that on the trainer you are staring at your stem more than straight ahead…thus, weaker neck muscles.
Been playing with my position over last 8 weeks and with help from here Iv found a new and hopefully more beneficial position. I have a been on turbo for last 8 weeks and did a 2.5 hour session last Saturday. All felt good. Today was first time out on road my neck and shoulders are aching. I am when on turbo looking up as if on road but today when out my neck ached!
It is a different bike but I have measured the dimensions so all is same
Turbo race bike trek sc9.5 training bike trek sc2.5.
Any thoughts or doninjust start getting used to being out on road and after few sessions hopefully adjust?
One thing that people do not realize is that you do micro steering constantly on the bike by subtly moving the position of the head. If you ride rollers you will notice that if your bike veers left you just move your head subtly and you end back at center. On the trainer you never do that. On the road you do that contstantly.