Very hard training weeks triggering anxiety?

Hi there,

I am a pretty nervous guy in general, but nothing out of the ordinary. However what I noticed is after extremely intense periods of training I feel extremely irritated and anxious, to the point that I sometimes turn outright hypochondriac. Since I usually only have 3-4 of these weeks per macro-cycle and by now I know the drill, its something I can live with. Since I usually respond very well to overreaching slightly followed by appropriate rest and normally am objectively stronger than ever after these crash cycles I have no indication to think that I´m over training. I was wondering if I´m alone with this or if anyone else is experiencing similar symptoms?

I think that is a pretty common symptom of overreaching/overtraining.
Not sure why bike biking stresses me out more and swimming makes me sleepy.

I also had the same response when my training ramped up, I initally thought something was wrong but got told that the body cannot tell the difference from stress in your normal day I.E work, money, family etc to stress induced from training hard. Stress is stress, I started taking an adrenal gland medication and this helped me.

Hi there,

I am a pretty nervous guy in general…
Diet, sports drinks, caffeine, etc.? Perhaps food/drink intake making things worse for you?

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Well okay I am kinda relieved I am not the only one experiencing this. As far as diet goes I don’t think thats the culprit… I really focus on eating high quality foods, some animal products, lots of fresh veggies, moderately carbohydrate based… . Guess I should give cutting out caffeine a try, I admit if the training load increases I consume more of that stuff to get going… probably doesn’t help, either. To say the least :stuck_out_tongue:

Funny, I got back into running and ultimately triathlon to combat anxiety. The only times I get nervous now are before A races. I’ve even ducked behind a bush to puke. Once the gun goes off its GO TIME and I feel awesome. Price of admission for me. I’d be a horrible rock star!

Look into adaptogens for stress. They really work. They also help to combat inflammation so it’s win win.

Do what feels right. Don’t focus on ANYTHING negative. Keep moving forward. Good luck and good vibes.

Hi there,

I am a pretty nervous guy in general, but nothing out of the ordinary. However what I noticed is after extremely intense periods of training I feel extremely irritated and anxious, to the point that I sometimes turn outright hypochondriac. Since I usually only have 3-4 of these weeks per macro-cycle and by now I know the drill, its something I can live with. Since I usually respond very well to overreaching slightly followed by appropriate rest and normally am objectively stronger than ever after these crash cycles I have no indication to think that I´m over training. I was wondering if I´m alone with this or if anyone else is experiencing similar symptoms?

Just a friendly skill to share - practicing mindfulness may help with your general anxiety - which may in turn dampen the negative mood symptoms when ‘overreaching slightly’.

Developing the ability to openly observe anxiety objectively is a skill that takes practice. Although counterintuitive, by observing anxiety in the moment, it dissipates.

For some sessions I am very nervous… and should be.

If you’re not sometimes nervous before going into a session sometimes you have to ask yourself if you’re really training hard enough.

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For some sessions I am very nervous… and should be.

If you’re not sometimes nervous before going into a session sometimes you have to ask yourself if you’re really training hard enough.

I also think a balance between relaxation and positive stress before a key workout is a sign you´re taking your training seriously… However that wasnt exactly what I was talking about here :slight_smile:

For me when I am deep into IM training I am actually the exact opposite or at least that is how I view myself. After long runs/rides/swims I actually feel AMAZING almost like the feeling after you get after doing 90 mins of hot yoga. My body seems to have flushed/sweated out all the stress of the day, best feeling.

But my wife thinks when I am in IM training I am grumpy, I think that is just because I am constantly running around to get in workouts.

If long workouts are triggering anxiety IMO something aint right, too much stress to get the workout done?

If you are looking for a natural stress reliever than try Rescue Pastilles (trust me they work).

The anxiety I feel about training is that when it is heavy I’m worried that I’m over doing it and not getting recovery, or if I’m feeling recovered I wonder if I’m not pushing it hard enough. I think this is pretty normal when you are cramming it in with other life commitments.