I did some video with a GoPro of some friends and family swimming and would like to put the clips together. Any recommendations for free easy video editing software that a non-techi can figure out
mac or windows?
I 'v used
Windows movie maker
Corel movie something or other and
Adobe’s premier elements.
Movie maker is the easiest and most intuitive. To use.
Catch is that it is not apple compatible file formats
Happy filming
Did gopro include any software with the camera? That might work. And, not absolutely sure, but not all software will deal well with various HD video file formats, what is the output format of the gopro?
Borrowed GoPro so no software. Start to use Windows Movie Maker and it seems pretty easy to use. Thanks for the help
I do some coaching and I use Coach’s Eye, an app for iPhone and iPad, with a website based part, too. I think you can also upload Go Pro vids to their site. I’ve coached for over a decade and have been waiting for something like it – video editing used to be a huge pain in the @$$. It took me about 5 minutes to figure out how to use – so simple and incredibly effective. I strongly recommend it! Best $5 app I’ve ever bought, and the upgrade package (an in-app purchase) for $10 was also completely worth it.
Nothing beats Avid Media Composer. Why go half ass?
x2- Avid Symphony with Quantel compositing products and Lightwave for 3D.
GoPro website has their own free video editing software.
Thanks for everyone’s help. I used a combination of GoPro’s file converter and Windows Movie Maker. Now I can post and let the ST’rs pick my stroke apart.
If you’re ever looking for a more advanced editor try lwks.com. They have a great multi-liniar editing program.
Free. If you want something free don’t expect much. Video editing takes some software, and for any editing you will probably want as a minimum requirement;
I’ve spent quite a bit of time with Adobe Premiere Pro. Seems to be the NLE that is slowly taking over since the fall of FCP. It, like any other “movie grade” software are not easy to jump in and use. If you are just screwing around with some GoPro videos for fun, don’t they offer a free editor that you can DL from their site?
To add a further question onto this thread? Anyone know of any video editing software where I can add lines and angles and stuff to the video? I’d want to:
Pause the video, add some lines/angles, but the video would keep running (as there would be audio speaking over still). I.e. if there is swimming video you can pause and analyse a particular still image of their stroke whilst listening to feedback.
I’d also want to add lines over moving images.
(Just got a goPro and want to play a bit at the weekend)
At that level I think you need Adobe After Effects or Sony Vegas type of application. They are the main “special effects” programs video editors are using these days. Unfortunately they also cost an arm and a leg and possibly a pinky to boot. I’ve found video editing to be a much larger learning curve than I originally anticipated. I’ll have to revisit it when I have more time to dedicate to it.
Good luck with your project!!
I think someone above already mentioned the Coaches Eye software where you can add lines, circles, angles, etc. over moving or paused video. Sounds like exactly what you need. I have a friend who uses it for swimming videos that she shot with the GoPro and she can narrate over the paused images.
There is an app called Ubersense that allows you to analyse video pretty well.
I’ll second Ubersense. Very easy, can measure angles, draw lines etc. And free!