What to eat for lunch before long run?

I usually eat at my desk and then use my lunch break for my run. Pretty standard for me is a PBJ and a banana, but looking for some ideas. Suggestions?

Edited for lack of initial info…
I eat breakfast at 530/6am - Eggs, oatmeal, etc…
Due to work schedule, I cant run until 1pm, so try and eat at 11am. Waiting until after run would be too long for me to go without some substance.
Running 8-10 miles at/near tempo

It depends on how hard you plan to run. If you are racing, then you need something bland enough that you are not coughing up stomache acid. I prefer brown rice and maybe a small piece of chicken or fish.

Realistically, if you are running (or doing any sports activity for that matter) for less than 2 hours, your body should have enough glycogen stores to not need any food.

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I used to run after work but before dinner, so 5-6hrs without food. If I was feeling especially hungry I would eat a Honey Stinger Waffle and it would get me through 8+mi without needing any additional calories. Easy on the stomach and they taste good too. YMMV

When the weather gets better and I start running at lunch I do my run first, then eat when I get back. I’ll have oatmeal, fruit, nuts and milk for breakfast (also at work) in the morning a bit after getting in. As my runs are under an hour, I don’t eat anything before. Have my run, back into the office, do some work as I’m cooling down, then a quick shower and have lunch after that at my desk. For lunches, my wife and I have gravitated towards making evening meals that have leftovers (most of the kids are out of the house) so we can take them for lunches. So, we make what we would have when the kids were home except now without them, we get a couple of evening meals plus a couple of days of lunches.

I tried “fueling” with a few maple sugar candies and an Oreo before yesterday’s 15.5 km run. Don’t do that. To be fair though, running through driving sleet didn’t help my enjoyment level any. Bite me, “spring”.

For most of my workday runs, I’m running between 8-10 miles at tempo or slightly below. I eat breakfast around 530-6am, so I am pretty hungry come midday. Pretty standard schedule is to eat my lunch around 11am and then run at 1pm.

Why not run and then eat lunch? Typically I need 2 hours after a meal before I can run or I notice my pace is affected. You could fuel the run with Gu and then the lunch would also serve as refueling.

Run before work. Most events start early anyway (except for the Boston Marathon) and so it is good to train at the same time of the day that you will race. Almost all Iron Man 70.3 and 140.6 events start at 7am. I either swim a mile or run 9 miles before work and do so on only one cup of black coffee and one gel. After the swim or run I will drink a recovery drink with both carbohydrates and proteins. YMMV Tim

I run at lunch and THEN eat at my desk. But I don’t typically consider an hour run to be long. That’s what, 8-10 miles? If I’m running long I’ll eat a half pbj probably 30 minutes before the run and carry a GU or two.

It also depends on how much you ate for breakfast. If you eat a good breakfast, then a light snack 30 or so minutes before the long run you’ll probably be fine.

Beef burritos and strawberry milkshakes always make for an intersting run

I don’t know how everyone else can get by on so little food – I eat all day.

My go-to pre-run snack is a piece of ezekiel bread w/ a little almond butter. It never causes me any issues on a run. What don’t you like about pb & j?

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two chocolate power bars and a diet pepsi max. YMMV…

I don’t know how everyone else can get by on so little food – I eat all day.

My go-to pre-run snack is a piece of ezekiel bread w/ a little almond butter. It never causes me any issues on a run. What don’t you like about pb & j?

I don’t get it either. Everyone seems go hours and hours without eating or drinking. I would hate for people to see what I eat/drink on rides and runs…

Anyways, only thing that I can think about is the fat in peanut butter will usually can give people some issues on a run.

Today I did 14.5 miles after Fish Tacos and a couple of beers.

I can say definitively this was not the nutrition plan for optimal performance. Next time I’ll take out the tacos and add in another beer.

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I usually eat at my desk and then use my lunch break for my run. Pretty standard for me is a PBJ and a banana, but looking for some ideas. Suggestions?

Edited for lack of initial info…
I eat breakfast at 530/6am - Eggs, oatmeal, etc…
Due to work schedule, I cant run until 1pm, so try and eat at 11am. Waiting until after run would be too long for me to go without some substance.
Running 8-10 miles at/near tempo
Lean protein and a big salad works for me. Grilled dark chicken of any variety and a salad more than 90 minutes out is OK for my stomach, but I tend to be of a heartier disposition than some.

We learn from our mistakes.

Are you having issues with what you are doing now?

I would be ok with what you are doing presently.

If you are getting really hungry I would add some calories at your breakfast perhaps an extra egg or toast or greek yogurt. That way you’ll time to digest before your 1pm long run.