Why do some folks cover their saddles with plastic bags?

I’ve seen this in transitions when it’s either raining or threatening to rain. I really don’t understand why and seems pointless. After all, you’ll be wet when you get on it. Am I missing something important?

I don’t get it either, your butt is wet after swimming anyway…

I always understood for it to minimize slipping? It gets wet, but not sure if a wet suit is slippery, versus a wet seat you get on and is slippery. Can’t hurt. Overnight, there will be dew and what not that forms on the bike. I think the same goes with putting a bag over the handles to prevent the dew.


I do it to keep the rain off my urine soaked saddle


No, don’t get it either. Triathletes is strange.

Now if it was an electric blanket that would be a different matter, how nice to have your balls or otherwise nicely warmed up straight after the swim.

If you grew up ridign a cheap bike with a super foamy seat, then covering it during rain was wise, or it would take days to dry out. Most seats on Tri bikes are designed to dry out quickly but the mentality remains I guess.

I do it to cover my water bottle with electrolytes in it… Behind the saddle one…
One over the BTA too… Keeps crap off em…
Also put em over me shoes… Damp feet slip into dry powdered shoes easier than soaked ones … Once I’m in they can get as wet off the road as they like…


Most triathletes these days are running the Brooks Heritage springer saddle and even with a good coat of Proofide the leather can break down. Covering the front of the bike to keep the dyno hub and Sturmy Archer shifter dry is cheap insurance too.

I get covering your drivetrain (even though it’s still probably pointless) but I don’t get covering your seat.

I agree it’s kinda pointless but at Ironman Lake Tahoe I covered mine. Race morning my bike had ice on it, best move I ever made pre race.

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Herd mentality; once a triathlete sees another doing something different he/she wants to know why/will it make me fast/is it better/should I do it/why not?!

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I do it to cover my water bottle with electrolytes in it… Behind the saddle one…
One over the BTA too… Keeps crap off em…
Also put em over me shoes… Damp feet slip into dry powdered shoes easier than soaked ones … Once I’m in they can get as wet off the road as they like…

What happens to my electrolytes if I don’t cover them in a Walmart baggie? This might be the clue to my screwed up nutrition during my last IM…uncovered electrolytes!

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So they don’t get their seat wet before they get their seat wet by sitting on it.

I plan to cover my aero bananas at my next race

Why do people like bottles on the bike? every race i’ve done that requires dropping off the bike the night before allows transition access in the morning. i set up my nutrition in the am so I take no chances that something goes wrong overnight.

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At the next race I do where overnight racking is necessary, I’m going to wrap my bike in saran wrap and try to start a new trend.

Herd mentality; once a triathlete sees another doing something different he/she wants to know why/will it make me fast/is it better/should I do it/why not?!


I cover my seat in a paper bag because it’s more eco friendly.

I do it to keep the rain off my urine soaked saddle

This answer wins the internet for the day

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Maybe if you drop your bike off at transition early enough the day before you could be worried about it exposed to the sun all day?