Why I'm firing my coach (and you should fire yours)


In triathlon and athletics, a good coach should always be aware of new studies and new training methods. That is their job and why we pay them. We utilize their expertise in creating a schedule based off of the knowledge. We expect results and to continually get faster, in order to win that race, make it to Kona, or perhaps just beat a friend. And, quite frankly, if they don’t keep on top of the new gear, they have no place in our triathlon-focused lives.

Thus, I am firing my coach, Brian Stover, today. Yes, it is in the middle of our second season working together. But, I’ve simply had enough. And based on my reading throughout Twitter, Slowtwitch, and every other triathlon focused site out there, you should get rid of yours, too.

Why, you may ask? They are all missing the biggest key to today’s training: Skymall magazine.
Skymall magazine has all kinds of amazing tools to help us achieve our goals. Never before have we been able to train more efficiently, more effectively, and with less strain. And not a single coach has implemented it into their training program.

For starters, check out the Hideaway Elliptical Trainer. It fits perfectly underneath a desk and obviously works the same muscles as running does. Now everyone at a desk job can get a workout in. Did Brian ever mention this to me? NO!!! He is purposefully making me slower, just so he can try to beat me at Leadman in a few weeks.

As triathletes, we all know that wind sucks. The smaller hole that we can punch into the wind, the faster we go for a given power. Brian held an aero camp a few months ago that had great results. Everyone got lower and faster, and likely more comfortable, too. But did anyone use the special Back-Up Barz? No, and these bad boys scream SPEEEEEEEEED! I know that in my half Ironman races, I sometimes get sore. You neck tightens and your shoulders tire a bit. He has never recommend me put these on! Another benefit? More storage space for gels! At my last sprint triathlon, 14 gels simply wasn’t enough. But, that was all the space I had on my top tube. I figure I could put another 4 gels on each of the Back-Up Barz. No more bonking! Triathletes everyone are rejoicing!

We also always need to be in race shape. Extra weight slows us down (duh), and nobody likes a fat dude in lycra. Those extra 3 ounces of pudge around my mid section make me look like the 400 pound dude on a motorcycle. Not cool. Thus, why didn’t Brian make me buy the Fitness Slimming Sauna Shorts? Look closely and you can even see the heavy duty camel toe extender.

I don’t even need to go into the Magnetic Bracelet, the Mermaid Swim Fins, or the Polaris STRIVE Electric Bike.

Lastly (and most importantly for me), he never even thought to recommend the Gravity Defyer Shoes. Our entire goal is to be first at the line. We put in countless hours of training and suffer day in and day out. Well, sometimes we need that extra push. Like having a giant sperm on the side of our shoes. The fastest sperm always gets to the line first, and that is what we want when racing. I WANT THE SUPER POWERED GRAVITY DEFYER SPERM SHOES! Maybe they’ll teach me how to swim, too…

Thus, without further ado, I will now be coached by Ben Greenfield. But don’t worry, other pros out there in the triathlon world- I’ll stick around at the finish line to hand you your finisher’s medal.

I applaud your courage and the wisdom of your decision. The way that you have incorporated the latest scientific developments and technology serves as an example to us all. I am looking forward to hearing about your experiences with the magic bracelets.

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do they sell ASEA in the skymall mag? i think i’ll book a trip somewhere, just so that i can shop inflight for the latest performance tools.

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Typical ST’er, no one cares about the swim. You should also be using one of these, the Tech Toc Resistance Trainer. Improves core strength and stroke efficiency. The fin placement on each hip creates resistance which forces the swimmer to rotate their hips at the top of the stroke when the greatest amount of core strength exists. Development of this timing assists in a powerful hip snap for improved stroke efficiency and distance per stroke.



I’ll keep you updated! Leadman Tempe is in 2 weeks and I’ll be wearing 5 of them during the race. One for each wrist, shin, and well…you know.

Unfortunately not. I’ll be in contact with them to see if they can start carrying this life saving water. Perhaps that would have kept me from cramping so bad at Oceanside.

Time to order 6 cases and check it out!

Typical swimmer. The chlorine has eaten away too much of your brain so you can’t read. Did you not see the Mermaid Fin? I brought it to masters this morning and KILLED IT!


BTW, that yellow thing of yours looks kinky. I’ll show it to the wife and see what she says.


I love this time of year, or more specifically, this day! :wink:

Good times, good times!

I bet he hasn’t even started measuring facial strain yet either…


Have actually seen the Tech Toc used by serious swimmers and coaches for breaststroke drills. David K


So, NOT for working on hip rotation. got it.


BTW, that yellow thing of yours looks kinky. I’ll show it to the wife and see what she says.

it’s a waterproof case for something about that length and diameter.

Im fully aware that some people now swear by these monstrosities, but this is a hella lot more ridiculous looking than that black you shoe you posted.

Hoka Ones.


I never buy anything new until there has been published, scientific, peer reviewed studies substantiating the claims.
Thank you for providing that.

I’d fire anyone who neglected to tell me about the SkyMall Garden Yeti:


Sky Mall is so bush league.

I found this little baby in the back ot the NY Times - it MUST be true!

I’m 20 weeks into my first IM training. Needing a grand total of just over ten hours of dedicated fitness time, I’ve found it convenient to fit into my daily schedule. Just wondering how to get my new power meter connected to this thing.


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Correct, not used for hip rotation (long axis rotation) - used for some sort of short axis breaststroke drill (undulation?). David K

Typical swimmer. The chlorine has eaten away too much of your brain so you can’t read. Did you not see the Mermaid Fin? I brought it to masters this morning and KILLED IT!


BTW, that yellow thing of yours looks kinky. I’ll show it to the wife and see what she says.

Who are you kidding, even that thing can’t make you swim fast. Although a black version with orange flames might help. It also needs vertical stabilizers to prevent eddy currents and mini vortexes from forming on the trailing surfaces.

I thought I heard that you fired your coach to focus on duathlons and lobby WTC to add a Duathlon and Aquabike to Kona. Starky really wants to win the aquabike, although Potts is thinking of crossing over too just to piss him off. Rapp is gunning for the dualthlon title, but you should still be able to qualify. They are making REV3 and Lifetime races count towards duathlon KPR I hear.

I asked my lawyer if he thought it was a good idea to install the Back Up Barz on my bike, and he replied with an enthusiastic yes! He especially encouraged me to use them on the downhills. I know he’s got his eye on a new Tesla, I wonder how he plans to afford it?

That yellow handlebar needs to be higher up. what the heck you doing to her knees?