Why You Should ALWAYS Attend the Kona Rolldown Ceremony (Ironman Los Cabos 2014)

After the lone starter in the F6569 age group did not claim their Kona spot, a second spot was added to F3034. The first spot was claimed by the F3034 division winner (10:10:43). The second F3034 spot rolled to 9th place (11:44:58) before being claimed! Congratulations to Helen Viehr who’s going to Kona!!

Here’s a video from the rolldown that starts when Michael Lovato and Steve Trew are asking if 7th place is in attendance:


I took 11th place in the M4044 (10:13:54). Based on the number of starters, there were six M4044 Kona spots. 10th place finished 4 seconds ahead of me. 9th placed finished 25 seconds ahead of me. Thankfully, only one M4044 spot rolled down to 7th place (10:02:03). Had it rolled to 9th or 10th, I might have been suicidal.

FYI, here is the official slot allocation by division.

Very cool that they got it on video! Congrats to her!

Really cool, I like seeing that kind of stuff - when things go your way after some hard-work and a little bit of luck.

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I cannot believe not a single female in 2nd place thru 8th place was present. If I had placed in the top five, I would have gone just in case. Congrats to the lady who got the spot.

After the lone starter in the F6569 age group did not claim their Kona spot, a second spot was added to F3034. The first spot was claimed by the F3034 division winner (10:10:43). The second F3034 spot rolled to 9th place (11:44:58) before being claimed! Congratulations to Helen Viehr who’s going to Kona!!

Here’s a video from the rolldown that starts when the race organizers are asking if 7th place is in attendance:


I took 11th place in the M4044 (10:13:54). Based on the number of starters, there were six M4044 Kona spots. 10th place finished 4 seconds ahead of me. 9th placed finished 25 seconds ahead of me. Thankfully, only one M4044 spot rolled down to 7th place (10:02:03). Had it rolled to 9th or 10th, I might have been suicidal.

FYI, here is the official slot allocation by division.

Very cool. Something like this happened at BSLT in 2009 to a woman I coached. A spot rolled from one division into the W35-39.

The AG winner took the first Kona slot,

The second place finisher had already qualified.

The third place finisher didn’t want the slot.

The fourth place finisher was present and couldn’t decide if she wanted to take it and wanted to call her boyfriend or something to see if she should do it. It was a crazy scene, people were yelling at her like it was the Price is Right trying to help her make a decision. Mike Reilly basically said you’ve got three seconds to decide.

She ended up turning it down and so it rolled to fifth to my athlete who was there and snagged it. It was one of the more exciting award ceremonies I’ve ever been to.


Last year at BSLT(my first ironman ever)…the spot rolled down to me…I didnt even know about the rolldown spots so i was on my way back home…about 3 hrs away when some friends called me and informed me, they were yelling and carrying .so I didnt believe them until I read the results. Flabbergasted and floored is the best way to put…I will be at all ceremonies from now on.

After the lone starter in the F6569 age group did not claim their Kona spot, a second spot was added to F3034. The first spot was claimed by the F3034 division winner (10:10:43). The second F3034 spot rolled to 9th place (11:44:58) before being claimed! Congratulations to Helen Viehr who’s going to Kona!!

Here’s a video from the rolldown that starts when the race organizers are asking if 7th place is in attendance:


I took 11th place in the M4044 (10:13:54). Based on the number of starters, there were six M4044 Kona spots. 10th place finished 4 seconds ahead of me. 9th placed finished 25 seconds ahead of me. Thankfully, only one M4044 spot rolled down to 7th place (10:02:03). Had it rolled to 9th or 10th, I might have been suicidal.

FYI, here is the official slot allocation by division.

Very cool. Something like this happened at BSLT in 2009 to a woman I coached. A spot rolled from one division into the W35-39.

The AG winner took the first Kona slot,

The second place finisher had already qualified.

The third place finisher didn’t want the slot.

The fourth place finisher was present and couldn’t decide if she wanted to take it and wanted to call her boyfriend or something to see if she should do it. It was a crazy scene, people were yelling at her like it was the Price is Right trying to help her make a decision. Mike Reilly basically said you’ve got three seconds to decide.

She ended up turning it down and so it rolled to fifth to my athlete who was there and snagged it. It was one of the more exciting award ceremonies I’ve ever been to.

WTC should hire Bob Barker for the roll downs.

that was a great video. always show up you never know. i missed the rolldown in 2010 arizona and sure enough it went all the way to 10th for 4 spots, i was 6th. now i always go. i was 6th again this last time around but only 3 spots and 1st-3rd took them. 4th-9th were there and we were all hoping but to no avail. ive got IMTX coming up and if im in the top 20 ill be there. you never know.


I finished fifth in the 40-44 and was the one who let it roll down. Finisher #7 can thank me later.

Not surprising that this race has a lot of rolldowns. It’s already a destination race, and not in a country with a lot of domestic triathletes. So consider that if you already spent $4k+ on a vacation to Los Cabos, are you going to spend another $6k+ on a trip to Hawaii that same year? Not everyone that races Ironman are made of money.

Not everyone wants to do 2 ironman races in the same year.



I was at austin 70.3 when nobody wanted to claim a spot in the 25-29. they finally asked “is there anyone 25-29 who wants to go to worlds?”
some guy who barely finished that day snagged it up. no such luck when they got to the 30-34. lol


I’m doing Texas 70.3 this weekend. I wonder how many M 30-34 there will be? At what point do you realize going to the rolldown ceremony is dumb?


That was me, NZ 2005. Two of us got rolldowns, 7th and 15th, both of us quite surprised.

If you have any interest in racing worlds, go. Especially at 70.3s you never know what will happen. I blew up and walked in a few years ago at a hot shitty August race, only a few others in my AG (30-34) showed to the awards and rolldown and we all took slots.

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Really? But lets just say I finish 90th in my AG. Its dumb to show up huh? I mean…90th?! haha

Similar stunned reaction when I got a slot last year at IM-MT. I finished 13th in AG, there were eight slots awarded for AG, and three slots rolled down. 9th turned it down, 10th and 11th claimed the slots, leaving one more (12th) in front of me. After Reilly called for the 12th guy and got no answer, I went white as a ghost. Then they called my name (lucky 13!), floated up to claim the slot, and turned to see my wife wailing her eyes out. Pretty memorable time.

Perhaps they gave out the 30+ awards and all the gals went home before the oldster slot rolled? Good reason to stay and support all age groups if I ever heard one…

Awesome video with a cameo from Ken Glah.

What an awesome experience! Just curious, did any of the older slots roll into the Men’s age groups? I would guess they would have rolled into 40-44 first since they had the most participants. I know that 35-39 got picked up by the top 5 before any rolldown.

After the lone starter in the F6569 age group did not claim their Kona spot, a second spot was added to F3034. The first spot was claimed by the F3034 division winner (10:10:43). The second F3034 spot rolled to 9th place (11:44:58) before being claimed! Congratulations to Helen Viehr who’s going to Kona!!

Here’s a video from the rolldown that starts when Michael Lovato and Steve Trew are asking if 7th place is in attendance:


I took 11th place in the M4044 (10:13:54). Based on the number of starters, there were six M4044 Kona spots. 10th place finished 4 seconds ahead of me. 9th placed finished 25 seconds ahead of me. Thankfully, only one M4044 spot rolled down to 7th place (10:02:03). Had it rolled to 9th or 10th, I might have been suicidal.

FYI, here is the official slot allocation by division.

Just to inform you.
7th in M 40-44 didn’t take the slot .