There has been a bit of a micro-blow-up over this. I know that bandit-ing has been discussed here before, but this is the first time that I have seen it talked about more in the out-and-open.
Read through the comments, and people take the usual sides - many shrugging the shoulders, and saying, “What’s the deal?”, “She was just having fun”, or “I do it all the time” etc . .
While others are as you might expect are more hard-line about it.
Know this, there is no race director out there who takes this lightly. While on the surface it may seem like, it’s all a laugh, if things go wrong, it can spiral out of control and become very costly for the RD in many ways very quickly!
Bottom line - bandit-ing is not good. I know I speak for almost all Race Directors . . please don’t do it!
Maybe they’ve deleted some comments but all I saw were people saying she was a sad POS for not paying and using course resources; which I agree with. She really needs to change that blog title because she’s not very witty and she sure as hell ain’t pretty. What’s with the toungue when she smiles?
As I’ve always kinda said, if you want to bandit a race, just STFU and do it and don’t brag about it. Don’t shove it back into the face of athletes who are paying for resources that it’s cool because you were you know just using “public” roads. Yawn
I skimmed the article, yeah, its still there. I agree with you.
I just don’t get why anyone would want to bandit a race. either enter officially and actually be a part of the race, or go for a run on the course when there isn’t a race going on. But what the hell do I know. I grew up in a small place where everyone knew everyone else, so you just didn’t do those kind of things.
**I’m disgusted with all 3 of us at this point. **
Yes. I was torn. By putting the link there I am just contributing more traffic to her blog. In fact, if you read through the comments, the blogger, has responded with an LOL-attitude to all this, seeming to care little about the propriety and seriousness of it all, and said as much - that she’s loving all the traffic to her, previously unknown, and little followed blog.
Could the RD press charges? She’s openly admitting on the internet to committing a crime. Even provides photo evidence. Some people are just plain stupid.
I didn’t and won’t read the blog. But: what crime could she possibly have committed? Did she steal T-shirt? Did she steal food? Or did she simply run on - presumably - a public road? I don’t care -at all - if anyone simply runs the course without registering ( unless the course is in private property).
A race doesn’t own the roads when they are given a permit to conduct a race.
If it’s a closed course, trespassing comes to mind. Unless the race was free, isn’t stealing a consideration. I’m just throwing things out there but it’s just annoying how inconsiderate some people are when they decide to bandit.
Most of the time banditing is a relatively harmless issue. However if something goes wrong on the course, it could be disastrous for the RD from a liability standpoint.
I didn’t and won’t read the blog. But: what crime could she possibly have committed? Did she steal T-shirt? Did she steal food? Or did she simply run on - presumably - a public road? I don’t care -at all - if anyone simply runs the course without registering ( unless the course is in private property).
A race doesn’t own the roads when they are given a permit to conduct a race.
Admittedly I’m an old fuddy duddy but what if everyone did that?