WTB: Clif Shot Gels

I’m looking for some unexpired clif shot gels if anybody has some that are lying around. I would rather buy them cheap off someone who won’t use them instead of buying them from a shop at $1.50 per! I particularly like citrus, chocolate cherry and razz. Not a huge fan of chocolate or double expresso.

I have a whole shoe box of gu gels left over from last season, my sister volunteered at a race and they were left over, probably over a hundred. I will never use them all before they are expired. Pm your address if you want them.


I’ll take GUs if OP does not want them.

Nashbar regularly does specials where you can get 24 packs for $14.99 (sometimes free shipping!).

The guy who want’s the GU’s can have them. Still looking for Clif…


Nashbar has them for 16.99/24 Not too bad of a deal

I have a ton of Razz that I brought back from my last deployment, they were free in the chow hall. Shoot me your address and I’ll send you a flat rate box full of them.

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i pm’d you. will take whatever

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pm’d, for both gu and raz. We are one hungry team!

Sorry to all of the other requests, I’m sending my extras to the OP. If I come across another surplus, I’ll let you know.

Sorry guys right around the time of this post my little daughter got appendicitis so I’ve been tied up. When I have a minute I will send off what I have to whoever PM’s me first and I have several PM’s. If you get a shoebox full of gu from a stranger it was you.