Looking to buy a Sram pg1070 or Ultegra 6700 cassette. I’m looking for a 11-32 or similar (11-28, 12-32, 12-28, 12-30). Let me know if you have something. Not really looking to spend more than $50.
Would you be interested in a PG1050 12-32 $50 shipped?
Less than 50miles, removed it as I decided to use an 11-28 instead.
It’s back in the box.
Looking to buy a Sram pg1070 or Ultegra 6700 cassette. I’m looking for a 11-32 or similar (11-28, 12-32, 12-28, 12-30). Let me know if you have something. Not really looking to spend more than $50.
Just posted an 11-28