And "they" say we don't have voter fraud!

I couldn’t believe my ears earlier this evening. Our local news reports the following:
765 voters with an exact match of first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in N.C. and the other state in the 2012 general election.35,750 voters with the same first and last name and DOB were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in both states in the 2012 general election.155,692 voters with the same first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state – and the latest date of registration or voter activity did not take place within N.C.
Dagumit! This is NC, and we have voter id. Oh wait, never mind that law is racist and “they” say there is no voter fraud in this state.

Massive Voter Fraud Discovered in North Carolina’s 2012 Election

I’m of the opinion that anyone who believes almost any opinion piece from PJ Media should enjoy their far-reaching career in the fast food industry.

But hey, PJ beat Newsmax with this “scoop”.

What is Mark Levin’s take on this mockrage?


Racist, foxnews, bush, 1%, etc. I’m outraged.


Please get me a Big Mac.

The stats came from the NC State Board of Elections and were issued in a joint statement from House Speaker Thom Tillis (R-Mecklenburg) and Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham).

I have not heard The Great One comment on this story.

I am supposed to be offering you fries now?

Offer them to Reverend Sol Glow Buffet Slayer. He and his “Moral Monday” misfits are strangely silent on this issue - if he did have a comment it would be that Tillis issued the statement only to help his campaign to upset Kay Hagan for the senate seat.

The stats came from the NC State Board of Elections and were issued in a joint statement from House Speaker Thom Tillis (R-Mecklenburg) and Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham).
And the report by elections officials was also reported in the left-leaning Raleigh News and Observer. But let’s not confuse the denialists with facts.

I’m of the opinion that anyone who believes almost any opinion piece from PJ Media should enjoy their far-reaching career in the fast food industry.

But hey, PJ beat Newsmax with this “scoop”.

What is Mark Levin’s take on this mockrage?

I am so friggin sick of this crap. 'Oh, it’s PJ Media, gotta be crap! Fox News, yeah like they ever report facts! ’ Listen, there’s left and right leaning media. There’s bias in both. Just so happens the left leaning media is mostly mainstream stuff–the coverup for Obama since his '08 campaign began is appalling but predictable–but you won’t hear me say ‘the NY Times reporting a ‘fact’…yeah right’. I’ll read the article, click on the links provided and form an opinion as to the veracity of the report, not just lazily discredit the source and by extension the report itself. This is so f’ing lazy and maddening, and it’s liberals overriding strategy: discredit the source, thereby discrediting the news.

I have a very liberal friend who I’ll (mistakenly) talk politics with on occasion. I mentioned real clear politics as a good way to get multiple and varied news sources in one spot and he laughed it off, said I was living in a bubble if I thought RCP wasn’t a conservative shill. Never mind that today, for example, there’s an article from Slate slamming the SC’s recent ruling; an article from Time saying the Pubs Obamacare attacks have now been discredited, an article from the NYT saying enrollment numbers give Dems hope, on and on. But because they also have the Federalist, and the National Review and Fox News it’s some extreme right wing biased site. Ok then…


I find voter fraud conspiracies amusing when we can barely get 40% of the population to vote at all. It’s ESPECIALLY amusing that the people who have the most to gain in the political process (the poor/disadvantaged) vote at a rate even less than that! … thank god! Do we really think they have the drive and resources on a vast scale to manipulate elections?

The real issue, people, is gerrymandering. Odds are, your area’s vote was already negotiated by politicians. Where I live in WI, a democrat will never be elected. Should that change over time, new negotiations will occur and the boundary will be re-drawn.

And they won’t be able to catch any of them since all they have is their name and SSN. ~200,000 people double registering is 2% of the NC population. Seems a little far-fetched.
But the real question is, who did they vote for?


That’s pretty shocking…and most likely just the tip of the iceberg of voter fraud. I’m of the opinion that the 2012 election was won by voting fraud.

I think now that efforts and the ability to track are coming on line more and more, my theories on sound fraud risk will prove prophetic.

And they won’t be able to catch any of them since all they have is their name and SSN. ~200,000 people double registering is 2% of the NC population. Seems a little far-fetched.
But the real question is, who did they vote for?

How much of this is simply because of people moving from one state to the other and not due to fraudulent intent?

We have a very antiquated method of registering to vote. It is not surprising at all that there are people registered in multiple places.

Seriously, did you ever thing for a mere second that “they” are truly concerned about an individuals right to vote? This has always been about “getting out the vote” and power. Voter fraud is well organized by activists within the Democratic Party.


And they won’t be able to catch any of them since all they have is their name and SSN. ~200,000 people double registering is 2% of the NC population. Seems a little far-fetched.
But the real question is, who did they vote for?

That is only a question if you are nieve.


I don’t know who the “they” are - but there has been well-documented proof of voter fraud in all elections - - - but in the scale of maybe 1-2 votes per million votes. Until this case is resolved, that is still the case. This could be errors in data transfer or aggregation.

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And they won’t be able to catch any of them since all they have is their name and SSN. ~200,000 people double registering is 2% of the NC population. Seems a little far-fetched.
But the real question is, who did they vote for?

That is only a question if you are nieve.

Why would a closed fist have this question?

I don’t know who the “they” are - but there has been well-documented proof of voter fraud in all elections - - - but in the scale of maybe 1-2 votes per million votes. Until this case is resolved, that is still the case. This could be errors in data transfer or aggregation.


The only thing worth looking into that this report provides is the 765 number.
The others: 35,570 is bogus. What you don’t think that their is a John Smith born on 3/1/67 in multiple states?
155,692 number is made up of people who moved out of state and did not notify their previous local board.

Fox at least did a better job reporting on this story.

Here was some interesting points brought up in the article.
Elections Director Kim Strach …“Could it be voter fraud? Sure, it could be voter fraud,” Strach said. “Could it be an error on the part of a precinct person choosing the wrong person’s name in the first place? It could be. We’re looking at each of these individual cases.”…
*Strach cautioned, however, that in several past cases, instances of so-called zombie voters turned out to be the result of clerical errors. *
However, other states using the cross-check system have yielded relatively few criminal prosecutions for voter fraud once the cases were thoroughly investigated.
Only 11 people were prosecuted on allegations of double-voting as a result of the 15 states that performed similar database checks following the 2010 elections, according to data compiled by elections officials in Kansas, where the cross-check program originated.
Seems to me this report so far is just a lot of what-ifs that will lead to almost nothing. Kind of like when Florida’s governor wanted to purge close to182,000 voters, but when all was said and done the actual number was only 200.

And they won’t be able to catch any of them since all they have is their name and SSN. ~200,000 people double registering is 2% of the NC population. Seems a little far-fetched.
But the real question is, who did they vote for?

That is only a question if you are nieve.


Seriously, did you ever thing for a mere second that “they” are truly concerned about an individuals right to vote? This has always been about “getting out the vote” voter suppression and power. Voter fraud suppression is well organized by activists within the Democratic Republican Party.


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I couldn’t believe my ears earlier this evening. Our local news reports the following:
765 voters with an exact match of first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in N.C. and the other state in the 2012 general election.35,750 voters with the same first and last name and DOB were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in both states in the 2012 general election.155,692 voters with the same first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state – and the latest date of registration or voter activity did not take place within N.C.
Dagumit! This is NC, and we have voter id. Oh wait, never mind that law is racist and “they” say there is no voter fraud in this state.
Massive Voter Fraud Discovered in North Carolina’s 2012 Election

HMMMM. Wanna bet those double and triple votes were 98% democrat. And I’ll up the ante that those numbers are low and that the same thing went on in all 50 states.

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I’m of the opinion that anyone who believes almost any opinion piece from PJ Media should enjoy their far-reaching career in the fast food industry.

But hey, PJ beat Newsmax with this “scoop”.

What is Mark Levin’s take on this mockrage?

Just an FYI, but Romney won the election in NC and the current Republican administration knew that when they commissioned this study. They simply wanted to see if there was evidence of fraud. Even a small amount of fraud could affect the outcome of an election. In the last election, there were many states where candidates won by small margins. In NC, Romney won by only 92,000 votes. The investigation found:

“The cross-check found listings for 35,570 North Carolina voters whose first names, last names and dates of birth match those of voters who voted in other states.”

“The analysis also found 155,692 registered North Carolina voters whose information matched voters registered in other states but who most recently registered or voted elsewhere. Strach said those were most likely voters who moved out of state without notifying their local boards of elections.”

The 35,570 are certainly suspect. The 155,692 are probably exactly what Strach is suggesting, simply people that moved out of the state. Regardless, in a state where the presidential candidate was chosen in 2012 by a margin of 92,000 votes, finding that 35,570 votes are suspicious is not trivial. I think anyone, unless you are a close minded liberal democrat, would agree that there is definitely room for improving the credibility of the voting process regardless of who won the last election.
