FAI Surgery: what to do before and after?

I know there have been several threads on FAI here on ST, but not a lot of beta on “pre surgery advice”.
I am scheduled for R hip FAI here in Toronto (ok, it’s actually at Mac with Dr Iyeni)(3cm labrum tear, cam and pincer impingement, so femur head will likely be shaved down etc). I have stayed competitive all year, running Boston last April, then the World’s in London in September and indoor track all winter. But the pain won out so i accepted the inevitable that i can’t keep racing as my hip is just too sore (and sadly i am beginning to experience the same crappy symptoms in my Left hip…).
So, what suggestions can y’all make to ease the transition into surgery?
I have ordered a hip brace, crutches, CPM.
**anything else i should or can do before surgery?
**how about rehab after - i am prepared to be patient or aggressive - thoughts?
Lastly, I have a spot on the Can team as an age grouper in Edmonton - is 4 months enough time to be back racing?

Thanks everyone.

Been there, done that.

Much will depend on what your joint looks like on the inside, something that will only become apparent to the surgeon when he is in there. I am assuming that this is being done arthroscopically and not by disarticulation?

I had the procedure but also needed microfracture for new cartilage so my rehab was very long. That said, four months seems pretty ambitious for a return to competitive running. Running is generally the last thing to return to and you will be surprised at how long it takes to regain strength in some of the hip stabilizers. My advice would be to not push things, you will lose so much more than you will gain.

As for pre-surgery, nothing to do but hurry up and wait.

PM me if you want more details.


I’m not a doctor but I am awaiting surgery as well and from what I’ve read, everything tridoc has said holds up. The recovery is something you’ll have to be very patient with. You cannot power through this and I know this is tough for any athlete to adjust to. I sincerely hope you can get a deferral for the AG spot.

I would add that right now your priority is crutch training and protecting the OTHER hip. That “good” hip is going to have to carry the load of both for the first few weeks at least. This means no lunges, no hip extensions, no squats where the angle between the torso and thigh is less than 90 degrees. I’ve been doing some slow exercises employing the glutes (e.g. clamshells) and they seem helpful, possibly by moving the head of the femur back and away from the tear. I also swim exclusively freestyle and the kick has been reduced to a soft flutter from the hip.

I found a very good open-access paper with a standard hip laparoscopic rehab schedule that might be helpful. The Phase I exercises in the paper, which are typically done immediately after surgery, might be alright to try as long as they don’t hurt at the time or the day after. Hip stuff is sneaky, so be gentle.

Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/...articles/PMC3325633/

I wish you the best of luck with this. Dr. Ayeni has a pretty solid reputation for hip arthroscopy so you’re in good hands.

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Thanks for the thoughts - and the rehab article is excellent. In for the surgery Monday…