Pools in Lisbon

I’m going to be in Lisbon from the 4/12-4/18 and decided that I’m not going to bring my bike (timezone change w/ overnite flight, pregnant wife, etc). So I’m going to sort of make it a run/swim focused week. Running should be easy, obviously, but I’m having a little problem finding info on the pools there.

I got to here:
http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=pt-BR&tl=en&u=http://www.cm-lisboa.pt/zonas/centro-historico/equipamentos-e-servicos/desporto/piscinas&usg=ALkJrhjY2ALUOM5r-E1EvMY8tFX8ClMKiQ and here: https://sites.google.com/site/alfamapiscinastaff/horarios

I think that the second one is saying Mon/Wed/Fri, Tues/Thurs, and Sat/Sun hours, but Google translate isn’t the best.

Anyone have any first hand knowledge or whose Portuguese is better than mine (lived there for 2 years in the mid 90’s) able to help me out?


No one swims (or has swam) in Lisbon? Slowtwitch, I am disappoint.

This past summer my kid had a NATO swim meet at a pool in Lisbon called aboboda facility: 25m, gym attached, my wife ran an 18mile loop around the surrounding area neighborhoods, clean, lockers, day pass available, some english spoken as they are affilitated with the NATO swim team. Be ready by having a swim cap as all heads need to be covered when swimming??? Here is a google map of the location. https://maps.google.pt/maps?q=aboboda&hl=en&ie=UTF8&sll=38.995438,-9.141194&sspn=1.756746,2.469177&t=h&hnear=Abóboda&z=15