Rednecks and karma

karma lives.

Shouldn’t the driver with the video get a ticket for distracted driving?

Or a ticket for making the f’ing video without their phone being sideways?

karma lives.

In other threads, the citizens of the LR would be chiding the self-righteous cunt for driving in the passing lane while making no effort to get over into the right lane at any point in that recording.


Why not just move over to the right lane and let red-neck dude pass on by? Idiots who just hang out in the left lane are annoying. This whole boondoggle could have been easily diffused.

Cheers, Chris

ETA: Posted at same time as OH above. Glad I could step in and fill the role :slight_smile:

i was wondering about making a video while driving, there’s no way she could have been focused on the road.

the article says she was in the left lane because she was turning left in 1/2 a mile and there were vehicles in the right lane so she couldn’t get over.

i’d be one of those people chiding someone for driving in the left lane slow, but i also understand if you’re turning left ya’ gotta be in the left lane.


In other threads, the citizens of the LR would be chiding the self-righteous cunt for driving in the passing lane while making no effort to get over into the right lane at any point in that recording.

Actually that’s exactly what I was thinking except that A) she appeared to be doing the speed limit and b) she was passing. She should have pulled over after passing but from the looks of the video the a-hole didn’t really give her the chance and pulled aroun here without proper clearance…as far as I could see :slight_smile:

However, yes. If someone is on your ass and your in the left lane and not passing, get over. Oh, and stay off the damn phone. Two wrongs here as far as I can tell.


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i was wondering about making a video while driving, there’s no way she could have been focused on the road.

the article says she was in the left lane because she was turning left in 1/2 a mile and there were vehicles in the right lane so she couldn’t get over.

i’d be one of those people chiding someone for driving in the left lane slow, but i also understand if you’re turning left ya’ gotta be in the left lane.

Well, she claims she was turning ahead. The only evidence, visual proof, clearly shows she never attempted to move over to allow the truck to pass. I think she provoked the entire event. You know, poking a bear with a stick.


Oh wait. This happend in Florida. Nevermind.

Anybody heard from theforge today? Is he getting his truck repaired?


nybody heard from theforge today? Is he getting his truck repaired?

There were no guns or body armor…not him :slight_smile:


i was wondering about making a video while driving, there’s no way she could have been focused on the road.

the article says she was in the left lane because she was turning left in 1/2 a mile and there were vehicles in the right lane so she couldn’t get over.

i’d be one of those people chiding someone for driving in the left lane slow, but i also understand if you’re turning left ya’ gotta be in the left lane.

Well, she claims she was turning ahead. The only evidence, visual proof, clearly shows she never attempted to move over to allow the truck to pass. I think she provoked the entire event. You know, poking a bear with a stick.

“After about a minute, and me shaking my head, I pulled out my phone and started recording. I couldn’t move over because there were trucks in the right lane, and I sure as heck wasn’t going to speed on a rainy day with the roads being as slick as they were. I was turning left in about a half-mile when this happened,”

She clearly could have moved over to the right as you can see generous gaps between the traffic there. Even the “gentleman” in the truck eventually passed her on the right in one such gap. Poking along in the left lane for “about a half-mile” would rightly piss a lot of drivers off.


I reserve my wrath for men. Had that been me passing, it would be my tongue wiggling, not a middle finger.

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Ha, looks like it couldn’t have happened to nicer guy.

i was wondering about making a video while driving, there’s no way she could have been focused on the road.

the article says she was in the left lane because she was turning left in 1/2 a mile and there were vehicles in the right lane so she couldn’t get over.

i’d be one of those people chiding someone for driving in the left lane slow, but i also understand if you’re turning left ya’ gotta be in the left lane.

Well, she claims she was turning ahead. The only evidence, visual proof, clearly shows she never attempted to move over to allow the truck to pass. I think she provoked the entire event. You know, poking a bear with a stick.

“After about a minute, and me shaking my head, I pulled out my phone and started recording. I couldn’t move over because there were trucks in the right lane, and I sure as heck wasn’t going to speed on a rainy day with the roads being as slick as they were. I was turning left in about a half-mile when this happened,”

She clearly could have moved over to the right as you can see generous gaps between the traffic there. Even the “gentleman” in the truck eventually passed her on the right in one such gap. Poking along in the left lane for “about a half-mile” would rightly piss a lot of drivers off.

What is it with so many and the left lane. I get it when you’re on a highway but on a city street where there are drive ways and traffic lights (which is where this happened) there is no such thing as a passing lane, speed limits aply to both lanes.

The woman driving slowly in the left lane effectively blocked those behind her from passing safely due to traffic in the right lane. (It takes more space in the right lane to pass someone in the left lane than it does for someone in the left lane to change lanes.) “Slower traffic keep right” is common courtesy on just about all roads in the US. In Florida, it’s law. FL statute 316.081(2):

“Upon all roadways, any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.”

Note that the phrase “less than the normal speed at the time and place…” implies slower than surrounding traffic, not the posted speed limit. I.e. cruising in the left lane at 40 mph in a 40 mph zone is still illegal if you are impeding faster traffic.

EDIT: More details: This was a highway or major arterial road as she shows her speedometer at 55 mph. The video is 2 minutes long. So, she actually traveled over 1.8 miles in the left lane while she was filming, not the 1/2 mile she claimed. She undoubtedly traveled even farther there before she started filming.


He got his karma. When does she get hers?

well said

“After about a minute, and me shaking my head, I pulled out my phone and started recording. I couldn’t move over because there were trucks in the right lane, and I sure as heck wasn’t going to speed on a rainy day with the roads being as slick as they were. I was turning left in about a half-mile when this happened,”

It is a 2 minute video, it went on for a minute before that, she is going 60 mph. How far does she think a half mile is?

**Not sure how it works in other places but I’m sure when they say slower traffic stay to the right they are talking about going less than the speed limit, being in the left lane does not meen you can speed. **

This would be wrong – at least here in Texas. They are specific that it’s not your job to enforce the speed limit from the left lane. The left lane is for passing only, and slower traffic gets to the right.

Really? Seriously?..LOL So you’re saying it’s leagal to speed? That posted speed limits are just a guidline? And I know this was a artairy road, doesn’t change a thing, the speed limit is the speed limit. I’d like to see someone try and get out of a speeding ticket by saying, “Hey I was in the left lane”

I never said it’s leagal to speed, and FL law is pretty clear on the matter of keeping right.

It’s illegal to speed in the left lane; it’s also illegal to impede traffic in the left lane. These two concepts are not mutually exclusive. Supercop could cite her for failing to stay right and cite the dude behind her for speeding (assuming he sped until she slowed him down).


I never said it’s leagal to speed, and FL law is pretty clear on the matter of keeping right.

It’s illegal to speed in the left lane; it’s also illegal to impede traffic in the left lane. These two concepts are not mutually exclusive. Supercop could cite her for failing to stay right and cite the dude behind her for speeding (assuming he sped until she slowed him down).

What’s the Florida definition for “impeding traffic”? Can you impede if you’re going right at the upper speed limit? I’m surprised* at the hate being thrown out at the lady filming. Is she a paragon of perfect compliance with road rules? No, but the dickhead behind her was driving dangerously and got what he deserved.

*Maybe “surprised” is too strong a word. This IS the Lavender Room after all.


I don’t think anyone here is condoning Truck-dude’s behavior. But, the lady filming was far from blameless.

She impeded passing for 2 to 3 miles on a highway or major arterial road. Have you ever been behind somebody like that while driving?

EDIT: As to your question as to what constitutes “impeding traffic” under FL law, the statute says, "any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic…"


I never said it’s leagal to speed, and FL law is pretty clear on the matter of keeping right.

It’s illegal to speed in the left lane; it’s also illegal to impede traffic in the left lane. These two concepts are not mutually exclusive. Supercop could cite her for failing to stay right and cite the dude behind her for speeding (assuming he sped until she slowed him down).

What’s the Florida definition for “impeding traffic”? Can you impede if you’re going right at the upper speed limit? I’m surprised* at the hate being thrown out at the lady filming. Is she a paragon of perfect compliance with road rules? No, but the dickhead behind her was driving dangerously and got what he deserved.

*Maybe “surprised” is too strong a word. This IS the Lavender Room after all.


I’m more “surprised” at what some people consider hate.