Training Peaks rTSS

Odd phenomena I’ve observed and wondered if anybody has any insight or different experience. I run with a Garmin and upload the data to Training Peaks. When I do that, it calculates the rTSS from the data. If I delete the number it has calculated, it repopulates the field with a lower number. I’m not sure why it would be changing when there should only be one algorithm for calculating that number. If I upload the file again, the original number shows up…and if I delete it again, the same lower number is calculated. I don’t know which one to believe. For now, I’m deleting that first number so I feel better about racking up more TSS points, but anybody have any insight into why this happens…or am I the only one?


I’ve noticed this too. I’ve also noticed that I get different numbers from the Device Agent than I do from Tapiriik uploads (which are done via the API). Swimming activities are the most inconsistent – the Device Agent will subtract my rest time from the duration, but the API includes the rest time.

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I looked at several files with and without start/stop times and it happens on all of them. Maybe I’ll ask TP customer service.