Who still makes race speedos and briefs?

I race ironmans in speedos. I think it’s cool and I am going to do it forever.

Question is, who still makes racing suits (2 piece) that have the bottom part as a speedo? I raced the last few IMs in the Kiwami swim brief with no padding and was just wondering if there were any triathlon specific suits still out there.

I race ironmans in speedos. I think it’s cool and I am going to do it forever.

Question is, who still makes racing suits (2 piece) that have the bottom part as a speedo? I raced the last few IMs in the Kiwami swim brief with no padding and was just wondering if there were any triathlon specific suits still out there.

Faris is that you?!? /pink

This question comes up a couple times a year and can likely be located by using the search function.


Yes bring back the 80’s

Wait, I like a pad now…never mind!

Sometimes they pop up on eBay. There are a couple of Speedo briefs in M right now. And way to go, Colin; I’ve been rockin’ a speedo since 1988.

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How fast do you have to be to do this? Or is it more physique related than speed related?


I’ve been legitimately curious about this for a while - it seems like the speedo would at least be a cooler choice for super hot races. Is that your experience?

Anyhow, to your question … I talked to one of the principals at Oomph at a race expo this year, and she indicated they can still do special runs of the Gordo brief. Their other garments are fantastic.

Last, for those passing judgement on the brief: there a lot of reeeeedicuous choices on the course anyhow, and there isn’t much difference between regular trishorts and the speedo in the reasonable persons’ view of modesty. I have no doubt that we will cycle back to these at some time in the future of the sport.


I’ve been legitimately curious about this for a while - it seems like the speedo would at least be a cooler choice for super hot races. Is that your experience?

Anyhow, to your question … I talked to one of the principals at Oomph at a race expo this year, and she indicated they can still do special runs of the Gordo brief. Their other garments are fantastic.

Last, for those passing judgement on the brief: there a lot of reeeeedicuous choices on the course anyhow, and there isn’t much difference between regular trishorts and the speedo in the reasonable persons’ view of modesty. I have no doubt that we will cycle back to these at some time in the future of the sport.

“fashion” has a way of re-cycling (pun intended). I used a speedo in the mid 80’s and, so did everybody else. Quite frankly they were just fine. Now, I use a speedo at the pool. I could give a s#%t if people like it or not. I race in quick drying try shorts for the slight padding, but, could easily do an OLY in a speedo, if I had to.

Do what ya gotta do.

Roots, baby! I see them on ebay too. Almost pulled the trigger a few times.

I’ve been legitimately curious about this for a while - it seems like the speedo would at least be a cooler choice for super hot races. Is that your experience?

I’ve come to the realization that certain fabrics that keep the skin moist while allowing heat to dissipate tend to do a better job at cooling than just skin alone. Further, skin isn’t known for it’s aero qualities.

However, don’t let that be a deterrent to sporting your hairy-ness in all its glory.


I’ve come to the realization that certain fabrics that keep the skin moist while allowing heat to dissipate tend to do a better job at cooling than just skin alone. Further, skin isn’t known for it’s aero qualities.

Is that actually true? I’ve been going over the forum for ages to try to find a post I remember seeing a few years ago - the gist of it was a fellow who had worked in a heat lab(?) or with a heat researcher(?) finding that (a) bare skin was preferable to fabric over the chest, core and upper legs for slowing the increase in core temps, and (b) skin cooler stuff works, but only shortly after they are wet, and then they are worse than skin.

Also, would the aero profile file of a bare upper leg to hip, versus, say, a 6" inseamed trishort, be relevant? The ‘skin not being known for its aero qualities’ seems to be coming from the EROs findings about newer tri tops and suits like the PI and Castelli T1, but I would guess that the covered shoulders and arms have much more exposure to the wind than the upper legs.

Dunno … (and sorry to hijack the thread) … have any women racers compared a two-piece with a speedoish bottom to a tri pant -like suit in hot conditions? Or in a tunnel, track or aerolab setting?


Not scientific (obviously) but if skin alone was cooler wouldn’t everyone in the middle east (desert areas) simply be walking around naked? But instead for thousands of years (yes, I don’t know if it thousands, you get the idea) people in that region of the world have covered in white?

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Orca makes a tri brief with padding.

How fast do you have to be to do this? Or is it more physique related than speed related?

Dude. You don’t have to be fast to do it.

Racing in a speedo automatically makes you fast. It’s basically like an automatic KQ.


Aaaahh. That’s why RobGray always beats me. Not because he trains more, has bike fit dialed in, etc - just the power of the speedo.

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Back in the nineties many of us wore briefs to race in. Frankly, they were much more comfortable than the tri suits that I wear now. They kept everything in place. In tri suits the important parts seem to be falling down into the suit all the time. I am adjusting myself all the time. I miss the good old days.

yes but…they arent cruising along a highway at 20mph using evaporative cooling. So the middleeasterners just have to create a microenvironment and keep the sun off their skin while sitting on a camel.

I find myself asking the same question this morning. Thinking that I would rather run in a speedo than a water soaking tri shorts. When I started back 20-years ago I remember Kenny Souza sporting the high cut briefs and wore the same for a season. I do however remember lubing up the saddle to avoid chaffing on the inner thigh and same for the run. I only raced Oly back then and wonder how the chaffing would be for an IM.

Cudos to you however for keeping it going.

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I’ve never had any sort of issue with chafing during any of the 6 IM’s I have done. I actually think that it helps with not chafing… Possibly because of how I am built?

haven’t done an IM in one, but do so at all my short course stuff. i have found that just using the actual Speedo brand works just fine. and you can get them in just about any color, because of course it has to match your kit.