Looking for a 15mm and 35mm.
I might have some '14 SC stuff shortly here once I dial in the fit. I’ll keep you posted.
Probably on the block will be a 35mm spacer, mid-far stem, alloy seatpost, rxl hilo saddle, race x lite levers, and s-bend extensions.
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Thanks, let me know about the spacer.
Monday morning bump. I know someone’s got a 9.9 with extra spacers laying around.
you just want the the space between the bars and and extensions?. I have a project one and have the extensions slammed on the bars so i have all the extras besides whatever height that one is.
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Precisely. There are 4 sizes. 15mm, 25, 35, 45. I assume you’re using the 15. I’m looking specifically for the 15 and 35mm. The height can be measured pretty easily. Thanks.