WTB: Ladies Desoto, GP4000 clinchers, Cheap 808 rear, jag wire cable set

Just bought my wife some Desoto gear (tops and shorts) from the ladies sale and she now wants more. Looking to see if anyone has some out there, size medium.

GP4000 clincher tires. Looking for 2, 23mm.

Looking for and old Zipp808 (or equivalent) rear clincher with aluminum track. Don’t really care about mileage or cosmetics, just something faster than my training rear wheel. <$300 range desired.

Need to re-cable my 61cm tri rig. Housings also desired.


Bump for other needed items

A new pair of Conti GP4000S (the S is important) goes on ebay for about $90. Sometime last year, I was getting them for $82 a pair… wonder if Conti put a stop to that.

Also, Excel Sports was selling them for $39 each last week. They may still have some left.