I did not see anyone mention this but the email says that all AWA’s have a special check-in line at Texas 70.3. It allows someone to cut to the front of the line and get the process done quicker. Plus, they add a big sticker to your bib so everyone else know you are “members of a small class and some of the baddest athletes”.
So will this be like the security line at the airport where you take a different line and all of the other people stare at you as you cut to the front?
Serious questions here:
Do I leave my wife in the “other” line, so everyone knows I am an AWA?
Do I go back with her in the starndard MOP line after I cut to the front and get my packet?
Do I wear my bib with the special sticker around the hotel pre-race?
Do I mention that I am an AWA athlete when I pass people on the bike/run? Like, “AWA on your left”
What do I say if I get passed on said bike/run by someone that does not have a AWA sticker…Like Pete in O-side, that this is a just a training race?
Strikes me that you have turned an acknowledgment of your accomplishments into a negative. Then again, you could just be diligent in making sure that no good deed goes unpunished.
I did not see anyone mention this but the email says that all AWA’s have a special check-in line at Texas 70.3. It allows someone to cut to the front of the line and get the process done quicker. Plus, they add a big sticker to your bib so everyone else know you are “members of a small class and some of the baddest athletes”.
So will this be like the security line at the airport where you take a different line and all of the other people stare at you as you cut to the front?
Serious questions here:
Do I leave my wife in the “other” line, so everyone knows I am an AWA? - absolutely
Do I go back with her in the starndard MOP line after I cut to the front and get my packet? - no. as an AWA you are not to associate with non-AWAs. In fact, unless your wife becomes an AWA in 2014 you may need to re-think that relationship
Do I wear my bib with the special sticker around the hotel pre-race? - **You wear it at all times. ** **Hotel, pre-race training, shower, bike check… AT ALL TIMES. *This does not apply if you have already gotten an AWA 2013 tattoo **
Do I mention that I am an AWA athlete when I pass people on the bike/run? Like, “AWA on your left” **- No. As an AWA it is other athlete’s responsibilities to stay out of your way. You need not say anything to them. Mirrors will be handed out to non-AWAs pre race. These mirrors must be used to watch out for AWAs. Jimmy R may chime in here. Not sure what happens to non-AWAs that are caught blocking an AWA. I suspect a 20 minute penalty… **
What do I say if I get passed on said bike/run by someone that does not have a AWA sticker…Like Pete in O-side, that this is a just a training race? - Oh this is a scary subject. You better hope this does not happen. Rules state: If, as an AWA, you are passed by a non-AWA during the bike or run, you must pull into the next penalty tent on the course and turn in your AWA bib. Your AWA bib will be replaced with a pink beach towel. You must wear the “pink beach towel of shame” for the remainder of the race.
At O’side, the volunteer at the first desk was just yelling out, “AWA can come to the front of the line.” I did not see anybody doing any line cutting.
Yes, one of the race bibs had a teeny sticker that was bronze, or whatever, that had something on it like AWA or other letters. I paid no attention to mine and actually wore the other bib that didn’t have any cute sticker on it.
I only had one lady get excited about my sticker on my bib, I think she was the t-shirt lady. I was going through my packet ensuring all my stuff was in there and she happened to see it and got all giddy.
I didn’t see any other perks or passes at O’side. Not that it would’ve saved you anything but about 8 minutes off the process anyway. Meh…it’s a nice thing they do, but is it super duper cool? Not really.
i got an email about this awhile back. Anyone know how this was decided? the line cutting thing seems like a good way to piss some people off. A separate line altogether might have been a better plan
so another way the AWA is really just like a frequent flier program. hte more you race the more you are likely to be an AWA, then you get to jump to the head of the line at registration.
Nobody gets pissed when it’s the airlines doing it. Why be mad at WTC, they just found a new way to increase loyalty and show appreciation for those who are loyal.
The e-mail I got for Galveston says there will be a separate line, so at least it wouldn’t be blatant cutting in front of people which would be crappy. If it is anything even close to a blatant “cut-in” I won’t do it. If it is a separate line and table, why the hell wouldn’t I?
Yes, one of the race bibs had a teeny sticker that was bronze, or whatever, that had something on it like AWA or other letters. I paid no attention to mine and actually wore the other bib that didn’t have any cute sticker on it.
I’m a proud member of the AWA club, me and 14,000+ other athletes. I think if you finished three races and were not in the very BOP, you became an AWA member. I did three races and nothing to write home about and I made it based on total points.
I didn’t even know they had a ranking system until today. If you do more than three races, they toss out the worst performance. It’s based on the wining time in your AG minus how far behind you were. More like a frequent flyer program.
I wish I could get a separate line for the port-o-john. That would be worth more than a line for registration.
At O’side, the volunteer at the first desk was just yelling out, “AWA can come to the front of the line.”
This is the image I had in my head when I read the email…then some guy who looks like Chris Farley parting the sea of people to push his way up to the front.
For the record, I find this whole program pretty funny. Not pissed at all. While most will avoid the attention, I can totally see a percentage of people totally eating this up. I’d rather have a race discount or coupon, early entry to a race that sells out quickly, etc.
Anyone know what the AWA prize is that they are mailing everyone?
If it is anything even close to a blatant “cut-in” I won’t do it. If it is a separate line and table, why the hell wouldn’t I?
Pretty much how I would go about it.
Actually most of my sign in experiences have been quicker than I expected and therefore ended up with the ok what do we do now awkward conversation with family there expecting me to have some master plan for entertainment… maybe I wouldn’t even do it if there was a separate table.
I had a a escort show up at the house unexpectedly. I thought it might have been from WTC even though I’m not an AWA member.
Or she could have been going to the neighbors since none of us really have house numbers that you can see in the dark. But they are pretty elderly so good for them.
According to the GF she definitely wasn’t coming to my house.